Journal Entry 5#

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Journal, this was got to be one of the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!

Alek and Eliza got into trouble again!... And it also involves Tito and April. So my entire family just went to the Grand Central Train Station, to meet up with Tito, April and the Twins. By the time we got there the scene became ugly! Eliza was having her usual outburst, but this time it was worst than what I was used to! 

She was literally beating the soul out of Alek! Daddy and Tito tried to control Eliza, but she was too much for them until Harmony brought a special vail. My sister's method managed to clam down Eliza, but the damage she caused... it was already done! 

That little... B-B- WITCH! UGH!!! Why do you have to dishonor the family like this?! WHY ELIZA!? Watching my own sibling beating up her own blood made me sick and in return, I was having my own outburst, but luckily Daddy stopped me. 

I lied... I SLAPPED ELIZA'S CHEEK. Really Hard! Her reaction though was disgusting, as if she was a sadist! Things might get even worst if Tito Jaycee and Harmony didn't interfere.

After the tens moment had passed. Tito asked me to take care of Alek and Bell, who were both trembling with fear. I can feel Bell's arms clenching my clothing which made me realize that Bell, our youngest sibling, just witnessed a very disturbing family feud. I'm feeling ashamed on how I acted today!

As we sat down at some benches, I did my best as the eldest sister to calm down my stressed siblings. At least they calm down and I glanced back at my sisters, Harmony and Eliza, who were discussing something about the incident a while ago. 

 This also led me to question Alek. I don't know what exactly happened back at the Cafe, but I asked Alek about it, and HOLY MACKEREL! My brother's face was when he raised in front of me. He had very visible bruised on his left cheek. and a few scratches near his right eye! 

Noticing these details made me feel pity for him. I started asking him if he wanted or needed anything. He kindly said No to my offers and I proceeded to ask about his problem with Eliza.

His voice... His voice sounds so much frail and so muffled. Yet, I found out that it wasn't just Eliza bothering him! I notice him eyeing someone. At first, I thought it was Eliza or Harmony, but he was eyeing on April! 

I noticed he him slightly blushing. I asked him if he was feeling heartbroken. His reaction was cute and priceless, yet it was sad and full of fear. I comforted him and didn't force the subject on him. He had enough stress on his day. 

Oh, how I was wrong about that though...  It got worst not just on Alek, but Eliza as well! Mommy, Daddy, and Tito came back with heavy pieces of luggage behind them. Me, Harmony, and Bell watched and listen as the Adults discussed the twin's punishment! 

I overheard that they were going to... Going to...

GRIZZ CO!! Grizz Co... The place where she-Selena... No! 

Hearing Gizz Co made me so furious! I just got up and shouted at the Adults, asking my own Tito JAYCEE WHY! WHY! First Jayden and Eleo, and now MY TWIN SIBLINGS! Going to that wretched place?! This- I... 

Calm down. I think My rage and grief just blinded my judgment for a moment. I'm sorry. I think I might have offended my Tito, to be honest... Whoops... Not a good example for Bell... Again...

Even after all my protests. I watched Alek and Eliza trembling in front of Daddy and Mommy, begging them to change their minds but in the end, the decision has been already made.

 Tito Jaycee and April comeback with tickets and we watched them boarding the train. I saw Alek in tears as he hugged Mommy one last time before disappearing. I can feel Bell's grasp weakening from all the sadness she was witnessing. 

Bell even asked, "Where are Alek and Eliza where going, and if they were ever coming back?"

I kneeled down and just gave her my word of promise, yet I have to admit I was lying to Bell. Yet another bad example of a big sister. Dam it Paris!

Speaking of being a bad sister. Eliza. Oh, how I hated Eliza's looks when she boarded the train. Not once she said her goodbye to us! Not even a Love you for Mommy and Daddy! UGH! I AM SO FURIOUS ABOUT HER ATTITUDE!  

Ok, Paris! Calm down... 

Before we watched their train leaving the station and to my surprise Harmony, I noticed that my sister had a secret dealing with my Tito... Of course... Of course, another dealing with GRIZZCO!

 I tried to ask Harmony, but she wouldn't tell me what was it about! I guess I'm being too nosy about this... Even asking her after dinner didn't seem to quench my curiosity... 

UGH... I need a break...

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