Journal Entry 1#

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     Hello Journal??? Um, Dear Diary??? I guess? Gosh, I'm so cringed at this!! But anyway, Journal Entry 1#! My name is PARIS ROSAS. I am currently 16 years old and living in Inkopolis with my loving parents and the best siblings I could ever have. Found this dusty book inside one of my drawers. It was given to me by my mommy on my Birthday. I guess... I was so busy with my Turf war tournaments with my Team, I completely forgot about this thing?

I'm glad to find this thing! I can now finally let out my true feelings and my deepest secrets, without letting anyone know. Just me... Just me alone... Also, I can finally document the best parts of my life. So that I could remember as I grow older. If, I don't lose this book though?... 

Heh Heh...


I think this entry will be dedicated to my best family and close friends. So here I go...

 Silver Rosas: My Mom, My hope, my warmth, and comfort. A famous fashion designer and a retired Ink brush wielder in turf wars.  She may be the hardest and busiest working Squid I ever met, but she somehow always has time for me my other four siblings. But don't she not all sunshine and rainbows, she has a secret dark side you shouldn't trigger.

Aloha Rosas: My super Famous model, good looking Daddy! He is so good looking many want him as their husband, but sorry ladies he is already taken! By my Mommy! He and Mommy work together in multiple fashion studios, which make the daily clothing for some Inklings and Octolings and Inktolings and the other residents of Inkopolis. He is the best dad in the entire city cause he takes us, me and my siblings, on trips to Wahoo world and we even get a free pass to the New Albacore Hotel Swimming pool!

Harmony: My 2nd sister and one of my closest sisters... We have fought before when we were used to being young inklings back then? HEHEH... But now? She is the 2nd wisest person I ever met! Maybe it's because of Tito Jay or Tita Angel??? I don't know how she developed her attitude?? But at least, I have someone to talk to when I'm feeling blue... And She is an amazing teacher to our younger siblings! Mommy even asked one of our close contacts in a kindergarten. And what do you know??? HARMONY GOT THE JOB! I visited the place once and all the kids love her. Recently though she is studying to be a psychologist or something... Whatever she is doing I'll support her all the way!

Alek and Eliza: The first-ever twins in the family. When I heard the news that Mommy was pregnant with them? I almost fainted, but I was actually glad at the same time. We get another sister, but with a baby Brother as well!!! I've been dreaming or begging to have a baby brother in our family! Now the twins?  

Alek is a spikey hair, well-fitted boy, who has the looks of Daddy but has the gentle passive nature of mommy. He is secluded most of the time, and would rather read mangas and comics. I tried to convince Jayden, Eleo, and Kai to give him some boy time. But to my disappointment, they are always busy with their egos.

Eliza his partner in crime or rival? Depending on the situation. Eliza is the rough and tuff girl, likes to get into things directly without thinking first. She is actually the boldest and strongest girl in our family, but she can tend to be a hypocrite and has terrible rage outbursts from time to time. 

And the thing about twins??? They like to fight... A lot!!! Alek and Eliza cause the majority of the problems in our family, but some still get away as the loveable pair they are.

Bell: She is the sweetest and youngest, and latest sister we have in the family. Still learning the ropes about life, but I think Mommy and Harmony got that covered. She is a blank slate, and that's good! Cause I'm hoping to influence her in joining Turf wars! I don't know what weapon she would like? But, I'm hoping she might like the rollers or the ink brush weapons. Besides? Maybe one day maybe we could have a painters' duel. And speaking of Painters' duel?

My close friends

Jayden: An Inktoling boy, who is one of my closest best friends in my entire life. Ever since we were younglings, we formed a special bond with one another. It felt like, it was a lifetime before. I can't explain it properly. So we really love TURF WARS! WEAPONS, but not on the clothing though... We may disagree with a taste of design most of the time, but we always end up laughing about it! Did I also mention that he is a beast in Frontal Combat!? He wields his own custom Roller, designed by his Dad! Anyone he meets on the battlefield, he charges at them with no fear or he hides and ambushes them without letting them blink! And he also knows to execute the famous Special move every enemy dreads to hear. "The Kraken Swipe..." One swipe! BOOM! Your splatted buddy! Even the mighty Kraken form can't handle its power!

Eleo: Another close Inktoling friend I know. He wears a biker's mask to cover his face cause I remember something that disturbs him so much, but I don't want to write about it here... Anyways as you know??? Eleo is the sharpest Inktoling I know! Never misses a shot with his Sniper rifle! That's what you get when you're dad is a secret agent who wields a sniper rifle to protect the city from any threats. He may be sharp and accurate but he is a very quiet inktoling on our team. He doesn't talk much... I actually... Never heard him spoke in full sentences in 11 years! He never spoke after what happened back in Grizz Co...

Kai: An amazing artist, who makes beautiful and emotional paintings! He prefers the Paint Brush above all weapons he chooses. Occasionally goes for the splatter shot line, when he is bored but he is forever loyal to his brush. He may look intimidating at first, but he is super supportive of our team! Plus, he is such a chatty person! AND I LOVE IT! I can gossip with him any time I want! 

Together? Me and the Boys? We form the best TEAM Inkopolis has ever seen! "THE HEAVENLY SPLAT DEVILS!" Oh yeah!  

I remember it so well when we won our first tournament! It was a close match, but At least we beat the enemy team by 1%. HA! BY 1 PERCENT! Yeah, I can't believe it as well. It makes me cry all the time. After that day swarm of fans will come rushing us like some Salmonid just to get a shelfie or an autograph out of us! Then Under the guidance of my Tito and the Strong Leader Ship of Jayden, the team kept winning for the past 3 seasons. It was great until I began to notice some changes tough...

Our Relationship with our team began to sour... Specifically Jayden and Kai... Kai told me and Eleo that Jayden was slowly getting engrossed with this fame, he is becoming blind with arrogance and pride. At first, I didn't want to believe it... Eleo didn't care much, but I didn't want to believe in Kai. This was my biggest mistake... I watch Kai turn away from me saddened by my reaction and answer... I couldn't forgive myself after seeing that. The next thing you know it??? He left! He quit the HEAVENLY SPLAT DEVILS! 

Months after he left that event, Kai came back with a scrappy formed team and challenged Jayden to a Painters' duel... He won... And Jayden lost his champion title. This shocked me that Jayden actually lost for once, but it all makes sense now... Because of Kai? He opened my eyes and revealed what he really meant about  Jayden's sudden change... I'm still pretty traumatized by that experienced though...

With the team disbanded? I felt empty... Eleo and Jayden are gone, back to that accursed place... and Kai??? The last time I saw him at that match? He looked at me coldly with his purple eyes and turns away. Without letting out a single word. A once chatty best friend is now a cold heartless Enemy... 


I fear the days of what will happen in my life? The boys were my life. Without them???? Without the team??? What Am I then???

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