Journal Entry 12#

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Entry 12

I've spoken to Alek recently. He was crying over the phone about how horrible the working conditions are. He just witnessed a really big hoard of Salmonids charging toward him. It scared the soul out of him what said. He told me that he barely knows how to fight the different bosses even though they had a video lecture about them. The salmonids know about his weakness and tried to target him as much as possible so Jayden, Eleo, and... Eliza had covered him.

He hated himself for being useless to his team cause all he does is cower in fear and he feels that Jayden might kick him out for being a coward. I reassured him that Jayden won't do that and Tito has the power to do that. I made him giggle after telling him a joke about Jayden's relationship with Tito.

Alek was still afraid of working with Eliza though. After the train station incident... Even though he told Tito Jaycee that he doesn't want to work with her, Tito thought otherwise... Tito's plans are absurd most of the time and I don't really trust how things work for him. It annoys me to the core... 

I manage to calm down my little bro and I made a promise to Alek that I will stop by one day to check on him and Harmony, but I had to take care of Bell first.

The usual happens during the morning, but at least Mommy gave us a kiss before we left. Got a train and saw the coolest thing ever! Sheldon sponsoring a fresh new Weapon! I dunno what it was but I can't wait to see it. So I got the kindergarten and... I saw HIM!

KAI?!!! He was standing next to the entrance and it looks like he was waiting for someone.  I told Bell to go ahead because I was going to have a little chat with Kai.

I happily called him out and he saw me. He gave me a hard cold star. I felt a sharp feeling of guilt in my stomach. I was slowly becoming nervous. I guess he hasn't forgotten about how I treated him when he warned about Jayden's growing Ego...

Yeah, honestly I laughed like a maniac when he first told me about Jayden and his ego. I just brushed off his warnings, until I witnessed our loss during the match...

"What do you want?" Kai spoke coldly at me.

Me being so nervous awkwardly replied, "Oh having a good day... Just bringing my youngest sister here to her school and I would like to ask? Why are you here?"

"None of your business, you rat..." He rudely replied. That got under my skin and yet I felt so guilty for it.

What a jerk! Wait... Calm yourself down Paris. I tried to stay calm but Kai was just continuing to be a jerk. Speaking out rude comments about Jayden and Eleo and Me... But the message I hated from him the most is that.

"This is the price to pay when you don't listen to me. We are not friends anymore, Paris... I was right and you were wrong... I have better places to be than just tolerating your stupid presence."

OH. MY. COD! I- I dunno how to react... Whether to feel pity for him? Be angry at him or just feel guilty for my stupid actions!! Yes... I am a rat! I serve as an informant for Jayden. I told Jayden about Kai's comments about him and he was boot outed from Splat Devils. 


I watched as he walked away from me. At another time, Kai was the best mate to talk to about deep things in life. Now he is a cold heartless Inkling who hates me...

The River has been tainted with poison... This is my doing... I need to fix this! But how?...


Soon Kassy just came by because she just saw standing at the entrance, spacing out over the words from Kai. She brought me into the building and gave me Harmony's tea and I told her about Kai.

She was shocked at first because she hasn't seen Kai for over 3 years aside from me and Harmony. I told her that he wasn't the same person she knew before. I told her how rude and cold he was, and her punk side started to show and told me that she would have to give him a beating, but it goes against Harmony's teaching to her.

I told her that it was my fault that he is like this. 

"I dunno what do to, Kassy?"

"I dunno how to help as well, Paris. This problem is more complex to my understanding, but surely the answers will show themselves later on." She reassured me as she patted me on the back.

I didn't feel reassured though, I need to know more about Kai's tainted heart...

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