Chapter 59: What's Poppin?

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Storm's POV:

"So Storm, Cyrus....I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I want you two. I have dealings with loads of people who can hook you up with anything you need: drugs, money, guards....even women. If you're into swinging," The man began.

Is this bitch foreal? I casually looked around the room and looked at my Dad. Since I was now on my own, I couldn't rely on him to make decisions for me when it came to meetings or deals.

I had to use my wits and my knowledge on what he taught me. I crossed my arms. "What else do you have to offer? Because so far, I'm not impressed," I reply.

The man chuckles. "I bring in about ten million dollars a month. Now I don't know how much you guys bring in but you gotta admit it's impressive," The man says.

"I bring in twenty five million," I retort nonchalantly. It was quiet for a moment.

"We'll add ten million to it and you'll have thirty five million. Simple as that," The man says. I could see Cyrus trying not to laugh in the corner of my eye.

But he managed to compose himself. "What suppliers do you have?" He questions.

"I have suppliers all over Ireland. Drugs, women, fake passports, fake IDs, counterfeit items, medicines, you name it. You call me and I can get it to you," The man answers.

I scanned his face for any hint of lying. I followed my Dad's advice to look around carefully for any signs of doubt, liars, or any evidence of mischief.

So far, nothing. I even checked this guy's body. He was clean. Still, I needed to be sure. I snapped my fingers. My guards all aimed their guns at the guy's head.

He looked around then looked at me. Fear was all over his face but he just sat there. It was a few moments before I waved my guards away. "Okay we have a deal," I say.

"What the hell was that?!" The man exclaims.

"I had to make sure you were the real deal. A real boss would never be fazed. You just sat there....I like that," I reply. He nodded and straightened his hair.

"Okay. We have a deal then," He says. We signed some stuff then headed out the door. Dad pulled to me the side.

"Wow Storm. Didn't know you were gonna do that. Not something I would do," He says.

"Dad, you taught me and Brooklyn to deal with our meetings in our own way. A real mafia boss stands out," I reply.

"True. I'm proud of you. That guy was clean. I worried Cyrus would blow it," He replies.

"Gee Lorenzo, thanks for having so much faith in me." Cyrus says, walking up to us.

"Well you did almost laugh," Dad notes.

"Keyword: almost," Cyrus says. Dad looked at us.

" two really proved yourselves today. After all the meetings we had today, you two made me really proud, even you Cyrus," He began. Cyrus smiled.

"Thanks Lorenzo," He says.

"So you two moved in together and now you have your very own mafia gang to look after you. Treat them well. A well treated mafia gang is a loyal mafia gang," Dad continues.

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