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The great hall was stunned at everything Sakura had done to keep them safe.

"We have another baby?" Narcissa exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, was a girl, Cassiopiea Narcissa Malfoy, born 23rd of January 2005, weighing 8 pound 1."

Narcissa rushed to give Sakura a hug thanking her repeatedly.

Lucius was more sedate but extremely happy, he finally had a daughter other than Sakura to spoil.

Draco joined in the hug when Sakura waved him over.

"I love you guys." Sakura smiled

"We love you too, little snake, Ivy needs feeding so I came to bring her to you.

"Thank you Grandpa."

Sakura moved to a quiet corner to feed Ivy.

Lily and James followed

"We are so sorry we couldn't raise you, my Blossom"

"That's alright, for a long time I hated you for leaving me alone, then I was jealous that you got to die and I didn't, then I appreciated what you both did for me. However..." Sakura was talking as Sirius and Remus walked over.

"However...." Sakura grabbed james' ear harshly."Your pranks were not funny you were bully's. You behaved just like Vernon did for 9 years of my life! Grow up, it is not funny to throw people down the stairs, it is definitely not acceptable to strip someone from their clothes with everyone watching, DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME?"

James and Sirius hung their heads in shame. Sakura whipped round and glared at Remus.

As for you, no letters, no Birthday or Yule gifts, for FOURTEEN YEARS! then suddenly you want to get to know me on Dumb- as -a- rock -whore's orders, sayingi was your cub. You had fourteen years to do that, asshole.

"Moony, how could you?"

"I don't know this is the future." Remus spoke with a growl."

A note appeared before him, any injuries that occur at the moment will be repaired and fixed like it never happened.


Remus promptly turned and approached Dumbass. Pulling off his arm then breaking his nose with a punch, Remus forcibly turned his arm into its wolf counterpart and slit Dumby from sternum to pelvis Pulling out his inside before he was satisfied.

"Hmmm so you actually do care?" Sakura commented

"Of course I do Cub, I saw him as my Alpha, but not anymore. You come first, we are going to remember this while those who would  harm you will forget."

In a flash of golden light there stood  Hecate.

Sakura rushed over.

"Mother. What brings you here?" Sakura asked politely. Hecate smiled

"My Chosen, I am so proud of you. Yourself with the aid of your soulmate have saved me. You are bringing holidays  and spells back.

The holidays are not dark. I am the Goddess of Magic. All magic. The world seems to have forgotten that we must have balance in all things. The divide the has been caused by the lack of passing on our rituals, holidays, and even teaching the muggle-born about your culture has gotten bigger because of this.

Magic is free, magic needs balance, like Nature it needs balance. When you have too much of one thing, like say rain, you get flooding, snow, you get blizzards, whiteouts, heat or sun draughts. It's the same with magic. Magic has two lords for a reason.In our history, magic has always been balanced.

You can't have life without death, you can't have sadness without knowing happiness, you can't have love without understanding hate, just like light can't exist without dark. Your world has taken the basics of magic and twisted them, all to benefit the so-called Lord of the Light, a title he gave himself, it wasn't given to him by magic.

"Now onto muggle-borns they are old lines coming back after a Squib was taken to the muggle world. For example, Florence Carrow had a Squib daughter and sent her away with a name change, the child grew and gor married then she had a daughter herself, that daughter had magic. Her name is Hermione Jean Granger.

Hecate stared at Hermione,

"Congratulations, you're a dark witch!"

Then there was pandemonium.

Hecate turned to Sakura and Severus who was holding Ivy.

"It's time to go, my Chosen, say your goodbyes."

Sakura ran to her mother and father and gave them a huge hug. "I love you, thank you for giving up your lives so I could live."

"We love you too, my Blossom.  You take care of my granddaughter" Lily tried to be harsh but couldn't this was her daughter, who she missed growing up.

James looked at Severus just before they disappeared

"You take care of them two, or I'll find a way to come back!"

Severus had a deadpan look on his face.


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