The Board

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Lucius was reading the report from Severus and Poppy. The Board was meeting in an hour and he wanted to have it fresh in his mind. He knew Dumbledore was going to defend Ron Weasley. Molly Weasley had thrown a fit about her son being suspended. She had sent numerous howlers until, finally, the Board agreed to meet.

Severus had written that since Ron had never left Hogwarts the boy was even ruder and meaner. Sakura was his favorite target. Severus included copies of the detention reports and even included some of the students' concerns regarding Ronald Weasley. Lucius had already heard from Lady Longbottom who was not impressed by Molly Weasley's actions. Lady Longbottom, as well as other members of the Board, felt that Dumbledore was encouraging this action. Everyone knew the Weasleys did whatever Dumbledore wanted them to do.

Lucius entered the meeting room and arranged his little area. He greeted everyone as they arrived and was a bit surprised when Poppy and Severus arrived on time for the meeting. He wasn't expecting them. Everyone else was sitting down. They were waiting for Molly Weasley and Dumbledore. No one was surprised by the lack of respect that Dumbledore showed by never being on time for meetings. The man was never on time for any meeting. Dumbledore arrived with Molly Weasley. His face showed surprise at seeing Severus and Poppy. He settled into his seat as Molly took a seat on the other side of Poppy. "Thank you for attending." Dumbledore gave a grandfatherly smile as his hands ran down his beard. "I believe we know why we are here."

"Yes. I'm still wondering why it got this far. Ronald Weasley should have been suspended." Lady Longbottom had heard about Ronald Weasley from her grandson. "Just because his mother threw a hissy fit we are being subjected to her rants and it's a slight misunderstanding routine. I have better things to do than listen to a woman, whose son is a bully, complain." Lady Longbottom was well known for her blunt manner of speaking.

"I do agree. I have read numerous reports. Mr. Weasley has been serving detention a lot for being a bully. Cursing three Hufflepuffs for being friends with Miss. Potter. Five Ravenclaws went to the Infirmary after he started a fight with them. He punched three in the nose. Four Slytherins, he cursed with a Bat-Bogey Hex. His own house is the most surprising. Most of them don't want him in the house. I believe they are saying how he complains and talks about beating up Miss. Potter. How Miss. Potter is a slimy snake and needs to be taught her place. How Miss Potter needs to learn she was meant to be a lion. I believe a few also mentioned how Mr. Weasley has repeatedly been telling Miss Potter that her parents would be ashamed of her." Lucius picked up the reports and passed them to his fellow board members.

Ted Tonks usually followed Dumbledore as did Lady Longbottom. Lucius looked at their faces and knew they weren't going to be letting Ronald Weasley off. He knew Ernest Greengrass was neutral and fair but for something like this he would follow Lucius. Doge and Jones were devoted to Dumbledore. If Dumbledore told them to jump off a bridge for the greater good they would do it. Lady Parkinson was always with him. He knew before the meeting that Ronald Weasley's suspension would be enforced but appearances must be kept up.

"While I'm sure the reports are accurate I do believe it's a slight misunderstanding between Miss Potter and Mr. Weasley. I believe in time they could be friends." Dumbledore gave them a slight smile.

"Albus, this report shows that Mr. Weasley covered Miss Potter in slime knowing full well that she was afraid of slimy things. Madam Pomfrey provided us with the details of Miss. Potter's abilities, her issues, and her known reactions to slimy things. Mr. Weasley was a witness to the previous events and did this prank with full knowledge of what would happen. How do you expect us to believe this was a slight misunderstanding?" Ted Tonks held up the numerous reports they had been provided with.

"My son would never do something like that. It's that girl's fault. Her parents would be so ashamed of her, being a Slytherin. As for being abused, please. That girl had everything given to her on a silver tray and they-" She waved her hand toward Poppy and Severus. "-are just catering to her demands."

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