second sorting

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Once the students were back in their seats, Professor McGonagall pulled out the stool and Sorting Hat. The Dark Lord and Severus exchanged a glance. They would be informing Lucius exactly who arrived in a flying car. "Weasley, Ginerva."

The girl walked up with her hips swinging, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and had a smile on her face. The Hat dropped onto her head. "Interesting. Yes, I am aware of where your family goes." The Hat was muttering something. "It better be-"

Gryffindor, you molten piece of felt." Ginny Weasley ordered the hat.


McGonagall plucked the hat off of the furious girl who stomped her way to the table that wasn't sure they wanted her. "Weasley, Ronald."

Ronald was equally as mad as he made his way to the hat. The Dark Lord glanced at his granddaughter. She looked like she wasn't paying attention but he knew she were. "What?" The Sorting Hat questioned. "I refuse to do that." Nothing was heard for a few more seconds. "You missed what the meaning of those qualities are."

"Put me back in my house." Weasley snarled.

"I refuse to sort this student. He has none of the qualities that are accepted in any house. He is not loyal nor hard-working, he believes he can survive on the work of others. He is not smart nor willing to open a book to learn. He is not brave or honorable. He will sell out a person if he means protecting himself. He is not cunning or ambitious. He is a lazy, dishonest coward." The Sorting Hat flew into the air and landed on the head table. "Hogwarts does not need his bigoted attitude."

"Can the hat do that?" Severus quietly asked the Dark Lord.

"I have never heard it done before." He was equally puzzled as was the rest of the staff.

Dumbledore finally recovered. "Perhaps, Mr. Weasley you should sit with your old house."

"NO! He is forbidden. He has not been sorted and I will not allow him to taint the noble house of Gryffindor." The Sorting Hat screamed.

"Hat, he must go somewhere."

"Yes, back onto the train. He is not Hogwarts material."

"Ronald, please sit over here. We will discuss this matter after the feast." Dumbledore summoned a chair and began the announcements.

During the feast, Severus received a note. He read it quickly. "He wants the heads to meet to decide where to put Weasley."

"It won't go over well. I can already see numerous students will be writing home to their parents." The Dark Lord wondered how Dumbledore was going to arrange to keep his pets, especially after Lucius would make sure that Arthur was going to be facing the fines associated with his children's error. He was going to make sure to have Lucius check the scholarship fund accounts.


Theo and Blaise joined Draco and Sakura in Draco's dorm. Vincent and Greg were guarding the door. "So he's been allowed to return." Blaise knew the twins wouldn't stand for anything from Weasley.

"I say we make sure he hates every minute of his return." Theo pulled out his advanced potion book. "I got it from Grandfather."

Draco pulled out his. "Uncle Severus."

"Let's begin." Blaise tossed the one his mother used onto the bed.


"Albus, you can't force the Hat to sort him." Minerva sighed. They had been going around and around on this subject for thirty minutes.

"Why don't we speak to Ronald and determine which house would best suit him."

"Jail." The Sorting Hat replied. "He belongs in jail. He wanted to kill Mr. Longbottom last year. He is proud that his spell hurt Miss Potter. His mother certainly encourages his thoughts." The staff was in shock. Dumbledore was even a bit surprised. He had thought the boy was just a bit misguided. "He believes every student in Slytherin should be killed or thrown into Azkaban as soon as they are sorted into that house."

"I would never deny a child an education but I feel he needs to be home-school until a mind healer clears him." Filius wasn't about to let such a dangerous student into his house, not that he believed Mr. Weasley would be, his work last year didn't reflect it.

"I must agree with Filius. Weasley has shown no remorse for his actions. He didn't even write an apology letter." Severus was going to make sure Weasley stayed away from his snakes and HIS Sakura.

"While I know Molly and Arthur and have had their other boys in my house, I'm in agreement with Filius and Severus."

"I'm also in agreement." Pomona wasn't going to let that terror near her Puffs.

"I see." Dumbledore's eyes started twinkling. "Perhaps, if I suggest an apprenticeship for him. I"m sure we could find someone who would be able to assist us with this matter. If I wasn't the Headmaster, I would take young Ronald myself."

"No, Albus. He needs a mind healer. You know every single student will be writing home informing their family about what happened tonight. You are going to have to find a way to explain not expelling them due to the car and breaking the Statute of Secrecy. You are going to have to find a way to explain the sorting and now you want to offer him an apprenticeship. You know the board won't approve." Severus was finding it hard to believe what the man was willing to do to protect his pawns. "How one detention is justified by that action, I'm sure you will be creative in explaining. You know students will be informing their parents who arrived in a flying car. You know Arthur will be called to explain it, and fined for it."

"What? One detention?" The two other heads of houses were shocked. "If it was anyone else."

McGonagall looked guilty. She knew it was a very light punishment but Dumbledore had gone into great detail about how rough Weasley had it over the summer, the pranks his brothers did to him. How Molly grounded him for months, how Ron was feeling like no one cared about him. Now, that she honestly thought about it, especially after hearing the Sorting Hat, she realized she had been played by Dumbledore again. "I will be revamping the punishment as I do agree it was too light."

"Indeed." Severus quietly muttered. He couldn't wait to get rid of Dumbledore. "If we are done, I have my snakes to check on."

"We aren't. I do not believe sending home Ron is the best option. I believe we can get him to see a mind healer while he is attending."

"What is so important about him attending? If it was any other student, they wouldn't even be allowed to return." Filius never cared for how Dumbledore played favorites with his Gryffindors but this was beyond anything he had ever seen the man do before.

"I believe in giving second chances." Dumbledore answered.

"Oh, really? What about Mr. McMurray? Oh, sorry, he was a Snake How about Miss Hampers. Oops, my bad, she was a Puff. What about Mr. Contion? Oh, sorry, he was a Claw. Now, we have Sirius Black, right he got a second chance and where did he end up? Azkaban. Next, let's see, Mr. Miles, oh yeah, rehab for drugs, another Lion. After that-" Severus wasn't going to make it easy to get Ronald Weasley back into Hogwarts. No way was he allowing that boy to kill someone especially not his Soulmate.

"You have made your point, Severus." McGonagall had to agree it didn't look good for Dumbledore's second chance theory. "Severus does bring up valid points. I'm going to have to agree, Albus. Ronald won't be sorted, no apprenticeship or anything until a mind healer clears him. Not one of your friends either. Someone who has nothing to gain by this."

"Agreed." The three heads added.

Dumbledore frowned but knew he had no choice. The points about the students informing their parents were valid as well as the fines Arthur would be facing. He knew he couldn't use any scholarship funds to keep Ronald. After last year, the accounts were being subjected to yearly audits and Ronald would not qualify for a scholarship. "I will inform Molly and Arthur in the morning, perhaps Minerva you could escort Ronald to one of the guest quarters."

"Lock him in. He will cause trouble otherwise." The Sorting Hat screamed out. The Sorting Hat hide its smirk. Payback for hurting Sakura. No one hurt Hogwarts' children and got away with it. When Dobby came to him with the idea, he agreed.

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