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"I'm not sure what you know but I never killed the Potters. I was originally going to take them somewhere safe. However, we managed to get to Gringotts and she needed a purge, i spent some time with her after finding out she was my baby girl who was kidnapped by Dumbledore. I saw Lily at the DoM the next day after Pettigrew made me suspicious. Lily didn't like how Dumbledore kept insisting that they add to their wills that Sakura was to go to her sister if anything happened to them especially after suggesting that Pettigrew be their secret keeper. They wanted Black, the Longbottoms, Minerva, and even you, though you were Lily's choice."

"I thought Black was their secret keeper?" He buried the lump of emotions that surged forth. Lily wanted him to have Sakura.

"He was originally the one they were going to use. For some reason, Dumbledore convinced James Potter and Sirius Black that Black would be the logical choice and Pettigrew wouldn't. Lily informed me that they already believed that Lupin was the traitor." The Dark Lord inhaled deeply. "At first, Lily and I were under truce agreement. We were both after the prophecy which is why we were in the DoM."

Severus thought about what the Dark Lord said as he remembered the night he heard the prophecy. He groaned. "It's fake."

"Yes. Lily met with me the next day after our initial agreement. She wanted to talk to James. I was to meet her at Gringotts again. However, she sent me a letter, delaying our meeting. She explained she needed to do some research. Two days before they were killed we met at the Leaky Cauldron. She brought Sakura with her and felt she was being followed. She was very concerned about James and herself. I'm not sure what happened but she was fearful that she was on potions and under spells again. She knew there was something wrong with the prophecy. After seeing Sakura, I agreed. We were going to arrange a time to go to Gringotts again. She had been researching a few things.  Before we could continue, James arrived. He dragged them away. The night of the attack, Pettigrew arrived at my home. He was paranoid about something. He kept telling me that Sakura was alone at the house. If I had been saner, I would have realized what was going on. I realized when we discovered that the prophecy was a fake that something wasn't right with me. It's why I wanted to meet with you on the 2nd."

"Do you think he killed them?" No one but Dumbledore, the Malfoy's, Sakura, Minerva, Filius, the Dark Lord and myself knew what happened that night, well, perhaps Pettigrew. Severus had also wondered why the Dark Lord wanted to meet with him on the second but never really thought of it after he learned of the Dark Lord's demise.

"Yes, he wasn't surprised to see me." The Dark Lord didn't speak got there i was helping getting them out of Godric's Hollow and somewhere safe. Dumbledore wanted me to take the blame for their deaths. Dumbledore wanted to have a symbol for people to rally behind. A battle cry, if you will.

When in the nursery Dumbledore expected Lily and myself to stand aside while he killed Sakura, but she does not, trying to shield Sakura with her body and begging to be killed in her place. Dumbledore kills her, then aims his wand carefully at Sakura’s face. When he delivers the curse, instead of killing Sakura, I stepped in front of her to protect her then I was ripped from my body,

Lily did love James Potter. It was why she was at the DoM. She was looking for answers. She felt that Dumbledore was hiding too much. She wanted to know why they left Potter Manor. She really didn't care for how quickly they turned on Lupin. She wanted to find out what they did to Sakura."

"Dumbledore believes that love protected Sakura that night." He had never believed that theory and knew he wasn't the only one. While parents loved their children, he had seen many die willing to save their children, it didn't prevent their children from being killed by the Killing Curse.

"It wasn't love. Lily used an old blood magic ritual from a book I had sent her. I had sent her a vial of my blood to use with hers for the ritual. After hitting me with Avada Kadavra. I watched as a wraith He was trying to pick her up but Sakura wasn't letting him. Sakura was screaming so loudly as he set a number of compulsions, blocks, binds and potions "

"The house was almost completely destroyed so there wouldn't have been much in the way of evidence of what happened. Dumbledore would have covered his magical residue. He would have left your magical residue. Since I'm sure you used dark magic he was able to create a story to cover the truth."

"From what I have heard and read about that night, he did. Severus, there is one thing I saw in Lily's research, something I know she would have told you. There is one thing in her research that she seemed to base her information on. It was your fifth year. She wanted to know why she never forgave you. She was concerned because you had been friends for so long. She did say she loved you."

"What are your plans now?" Severus' felt lighter, happier, free from whatever chains he had placed around his heart. The same chains that Sakura,  his wonderful, soul mate had been slowly breaking.

"I want to go back to my previous ideas, less magical blood and He had to do it for a reason besides trying to trap me." The Dark Lord was tired. He didn't want another war but he couldn't let Dumbledore destroy their world.

"I believe it's a test. He has been trying to get Sakura interested in friends like him or Ron Weasley. He has tried to get Neville involved too."

"Protect them both. I don't want him to endanger Sakura."

"Can you access Lily's research?" Severus wanted to find out what was used on Lily. He knew there were a few different variations of potions but using one on a pregnant woman would explain the chemical issues.

"Yes. I placed it under some blood protection. I didn't trust Pettigrew."

"Why did he kill James if James was part of the plan?" Severus knew it wasn't making any sense.

"I don't think he meant to. When I looked James position looked like he was trying to prevent whoever attacked from going after Lily and Sakura. Lily was upstairs in the nursery with Sakura. She was lying dead on the floor while Sakura was screaming and trying to get away from Dumbledore."

"Are you going to remain here for the rest of the year?" Severus had never told anyone he had been at the house after the attack. The Dark Lord's admitting to him how he found them confirmed to him that the man was being truthful. The stories always just said defending Sakura. Not where or how the bodies were found.

"Yes. I will allow Dumbledore to think he has control. He won't expect anything until the end of the year." Dumbledore's theory about when the Dark Lord attack was going to work to his advantage this time. Dumbledore always forced the attacks before, now he knew why.

Lies Revealed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora