Chapter 74: A Harpy's Wisdom

Start from the beginning

"Didn't you only have one other partner before Farah?"

"That's besides the point." Alex brushed him off. "So, what do you like about him?"

Gaz thought about it, "Well, he's very noble and determined."

Alex nodded for him to continue.

"And, um, he is very passionate about things. Like, he gets super excited about things and wants to share that with people." He paused and considered further, "He's very... pretty."

Alex raised an eyebrow at the couple of blossoms that sprouted on his antlers.

"And he..." Gaz seemed to get extremely shy, "He makes me feel good."

Alex smiled at that, "That's what I like to hear."

"What do I do?" Gaz asked finally.

Alex reeled back a bit, "What do you mean? You don't have to do anything, it sounds like it's going great."

"Great?" Gaz asked, incredulous, "How do I know if he feels the same? I don't wanna ruin a perfectly good friendship!"

Alex gave him a look, "You really are oblivious aren't you? He clearly likes you."

"But how do you know?"

"I just do, okay? I can't really explain it, it just seems sort of obvious." Alex told him, trying to come up with a way to prove it to him. He brightened slightly, coming up with an idea, "He's a bug right?"

"I mean, obviously." Gaz laughed.

"Yeah, whatever. Work with me here." Alex rolled his eyes, "I'm not much of an entomologist, but I'd like to know some of the things he does that are attractive to you."

Gaz huffed, thinking back, "He does lots of things. Everything he does is sort of cute, but I guess there are a few things. He fuckin' grabbed me and flew me up into that treehouse when I first brought him there, that was honestly kind of hot. He does these little movements with the antenna and flutters his wings when we talk sometimes." He thought further, "Just today he wrapped me in a wing and held my hand for a second and that nearly made my heart stop. And then... a while back he helped pollinate my hair with his hands and face and just... ugh!"

He threw his hands up, "Everything!"

"You done?" Alex smirked.

"Hey, you asked." Gaz sassed back.

"Well, my point was," Alex continued with a laugh, "how many of those things are insect mating techniques?"

"What?" Gaz turned sharply, more blossoms cropping up, "No, no, no, Gary's just very kind and sweet I don't think it's like that."

"Of course." Alex nodded sarcastically, "And how many of the other guys does he do those things for?"

Gaz opened his mouth to reply but he slowly closed it again. He couldn't think of anyone else. He had apparently protected Soap with his wings when they were trapped, but Soap was literally dying so that didn't really count, did it?

"Just something to think about." Alex told him just as they made it back to the house.

Price was standing out front, waiting for them by their vehicle, "You two picking favorites?"

"Exactly, Old Man!" Farah called out before running up to give him a firm hug.

"Why didn't you tell them we were coming?" Alex asked as he came up to give him a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"Meant to." Price explained, pulling away from Farak to look up at the harpy, "Got a little distracted by Kyle's, um..." He gestured around his own head, "Everything."

They all laughed before Price turned to Gaz and Roach, "Why don't you lads help bring their stuff in and show Farah their room."

"Yessir!" Gaz said diligently, grabbing a couple of bags.

When the three of them were gone, Price hopped into the vehicle to pull around the side of the place to park it. Alex got in the passenger side.

After a moment of quiet, Alex got curious about Price's feeling in all of this, "So, how're you feeling, Dad?"

Price snorted, "About what?"

"You're kid's first crush. Gotta be some conflicting emotions goin' on in that head, Captain."

Price huffed, "How do you know? You aren't a parent."

"Nope. But my sister is." He told him, "When I heard about my niece's first crush, her dad was pretty confused about how to feel."

"Yeah, well..." Price trailed off, unable to come up with a comeback when Alex was exactly right.

"It's alright, Captain." Alex told him softly.

Price parked the car with a sigh and pulled the key from the ignition, "It's just... he's growing up. And I know that's silly because he is an adult, but this is just another milestone. I'm so damn proud of him but it also means he's a step closer to not needing me anymore."

Alex nodded, listening intently.

"And more than anything, I don't want him to get hurt. Not every relationship works out, y'know."

"You know Roach." Alex offered, "You trust him?"

"More than most people." Price admitted.

"Better him be Gaz's first relationship than anyone else then, yeah?"

Price nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. It was different when it was Ghost and Soap. I didn't know them as children. I suppose I didn't know Gaz either really, but I grew and raised that little sapling. I think it feels harder because of that."

"You talked to him?"


Alex laughed, "No. Kyle."

"Well, no to both." Price admitted.

"I'd say start there." Alex suggested, "It would probably make you both feel better."

Price huffed, "Once again, you're probably right." He gave a slightly weary laugh, "Shouldn't I be the one giving you advice, I'm older than you."

Alex shrugged, "I do what I can, Captain."

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