Chapter 3

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Location...New York City...Parker Residence...

"Hey, May," Peter said, going to the kitchen after entering the apartment.

"Hey. How was school?" May asked Peter.

"Okay, there was this crazy car outside..." Peter said. He saw Bruce and removed his earbuds.

"You must be Peter Parker." Bruce Wayne said, turning towards Peter.

"You're Bruce Wayne! What are you doing here?" Peter said.

"I thought we should meet sometime for business purposes. Your aunt seems like an amazing person." Bruce said. Peter then noticed the flowers on the table.

"Thank you, Bruce. I would love to meet Alfred someday." May said as Bruce stood up and followed Peter to his room for a private conversation.

"Your walnut date loaf tastes like something Alfred used to give me with tea after school. I would like a moment to speak with Peter alone." Bruce said with a laugh following.

"Thank you. Of course, go ahead." May said, returning to her tea.


"Not the worst bread I've ever eaten." Bruce said, spitting out the date loaf, "So must be a thrifter or dumpster diver. I've personally done both for getting tech to repurpose."

"But you're a billionaire, Mr. Wayne," Peter said.

"You are one of the smartest kids I have ever met. But quick question." Bruce said, he instantly pulled a hologram from his watch that showed Peter in his Spider Suit catching a flying car. "Is this you? By the way, nice catch. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. You have skill. What you did wasn't easy. With the right amount of training, you could be great. I could help you."

"You're Batman, aren't you, Mr. Wayne," Peter said looking at Bruce Wayne as Peter's spidey senses went off detecting danger. Peter dodge a weapon that was shaped like a bat, a batarang the famous weapon used by Batman.

"You are a smart kid. What would you think of you and your aunt moving to Gotham City? I have a penthouse sweet in the safer side of Gotham that you can live in for free." Bruce said, "I think it would be easier for me to train you if you were in Gotham. I will get you into Gotham Academy, my kids go there. You will be better off if Tony never mentored you, trust me he is not emotionally stable enough to mentor someone like us."

"What do you mean like us, Mr. Wayne?" Peter said. Peter looked confused by what Bruce said.

"I was orphaned at a young age as well. I am haunted by their deaths. I always remember one thing that was said to me for I could have died as well. The man said, 'Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?' When I found him again he had lost his mind, calling himself the Joker. I wanted to kill him but in the end, I knew it was wrong." Bruce said, looking to the ground in shame.

"Mr. Wayne. Why did you tell me this?" Peter questioned.

"I want you to know you're not alone struggling with your parents death. I am inviting you to join people who once wanted revenge, now they want to protect kids from the pain from the loss of their parents," Bruce said, "I will tell your aunt about my proposal. I suggest you tell her about you being Spider-man. I also suggest you get rid of the onesie." Bruce held Peter's first Spider Suit that Peter normally hid in the attic of the apartment.

"Do you think that she will allow it? I mean me staying Spider-man." Peter said.

"I know the bright red and blue work for you now, but you may find a sense of importance with the color black. With my training I have received and the training you will receive, it will make sense." Bruce said, showing a suit that was pure black, with a spider logo in the center of a faint shape of the bat symbol. "What do you say, Spidey, ready to join the Bat Family?"

"Let's go tell Aunt May," Peter said, getting up and leaving his room with Mr. Wayne following.


"Aunt May, I need to tell you something," Peter said. Bruce sat down in the nearest chair and nodded for Peter to continue. "I am Spider-man. Mr. Wayne has given us the opportunity to move to Gotham for free so that he can train me personally. He has a penthouse that we can move into and a good private school that I can attend. He will pay for all of this."

"I can at first say that I am shocked and angry that you kept this from me. Mr. Wayne, are you sure you can do this for us? I don't know how I can ever repay you." May said.

"Trust me when I say that this is nothing. I will not be struggling for cash if I do this." Bruce said, reaffirming his previous statement.

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne, we will always appreciate this. Are you confident that you can train him as Spider-man?" May said.

"I feel like I can trust you, just do not tell anyone. I was trained by an organization called the League of Shadows also known as the League of Assassins. I was told I had to kill a farmer. I couldn't do it. If I killed him I would then lead doom to my home. I destroyed it, I saved one man. I thought I could trust him but he ended up being the leader of the League of Shadows, Ra's al Ghul. He died after trying to destroy Gotham. I still stand against killing. I will never train your nephew to kill. Please just trust me." Bruce said.

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