Chapter 1

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Location...Gotham City...Crime Alley....1997...

"Ben, are you sure that this is safe?" Amelia said. She looked at her husband with concern while holding their 3 year-old-daughter.

"We are fine, Mia." Benjamin Kent said, stopping to kiss his wife. He took her hand and continued further down the alley.

"The sooner we're back to the manor the better. Alfred is expecting us." Amelia said. She nervously pulled their daughter against her chest for a moment, then let go of  the young girl in to a more comfortable position.

"You thought you could escape me, Benjamin. You know it was not that simple. This the end for you. I may spare your child, perhaps. She is only half Kryptonian by all means. The only thing is that if she was to live, I would have to kill both you and your wife. Yes, that is the perfect plan. Goodbye Benjamin and Amelia Kent." Lex Luther said. Luther had a gun in hand ready to finally get rid of at least one kryptonian on earth, then he fired the first shot. It was fatal. Benjamin Kent was dying and there would not be time to save him. The second shot was the same as the first killing Amelia Wayne-Kent. Their daughter, Emma Wayne-Kent was left alone till the police came soon after.


So yeah. I might have given her a hard past but that makes a good character. This situation takes place while Bruce was in Japan I think. She was 1 before he left so Bruce knew her but hasn't really been in her life until she was 7. Bruce is her godfather because Bruce and Amelia were really close. Lex Luther was the only fitting person I could think of to kill Emma's parents. I also really like the name Amelia and Amelia Wayne-Kent was not an author insert.


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