Chapter 2 (my version)

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Location....New York City....2 months later...

Peter was standing on the subway when he thought of his want to do something in the world as a hero. He pulled out his phone and went into contact of Jason Todd, The Red Hood.

The Street Psycho Orphan

Peter Parker:

Hey Jason just checking in. I'm out of school at 2:45 PM

Ready for my next mission!

It's Peter BTW.


Peter scrolled up to see the many unanswered texts that he had sent Jason.


Peter made his way to the entrance of Midtown High since Peter wanted to return to New York acting as normally could for living in Gotham for 8 months. Most people in Midtown would not recognize Peter as the same person that he was before he moved to Gotham. Before Peter was known as a big nerd (he still is shut up deadpool no!) and looked the part of a nerd with his baggy clothes and science pun t-shirts. Now he was no longer the nerd he was (he is a nerd though😭), he is currently more often seen wearing the leather jacket that Jason gave him along with the converse that Emma gave him as well as black jeans and a black shirt.


"Peter!"" Ned said. Peter had made his into Midtown by now. Ned had ran to greet Peter as soon as he saw Peter enter Midtown.

"Ned! How are you?! It's been so long!" Peter said, excitement in his voice. Ned pulled 

"Peter, where were you? You look different. Are you okay? Do you not like Star Wars anymore?!" Ned asked.

"Ned...Ned, I am fine. May and I moved to Gotham for a major opportunity with Wayne Enterprises. Don't worry, I still like Star Wars." Peter said. Peter and Ned started to walk down the hallway to their first class (ap chemistry.... what a nerd. shut up deadpool i will never!!!!!!!!!!) which they surprisingly shared.

"How's May?" Ned asked casually. Peter stopped for amount, remembering his grief that was caused by The Joker. Peter gulped for a moment and pushed down the grief like he normally would.

"Ned, I don't know how to tell you this..." Peter started to say. It has been too long since Peter has actually fully expressed emotions. If he was being honest, he hasn't shown emotion since May's death. The bats understood that, they were terrible with emotions themselves. The bats and Tony all understood what it is like to be an orphan because of the tragic death of their parents that mentally ruined them. Bruce and Tony watched their parents get murdered in front of them when they were 8. Emma watched her parents get murdered in front of her when she was 3. Dick watched his parents fall to their deaths when he was 8. Jason's mom was a drug addict and died from an overdose and his dad was killed while his dad was working for Two-Face. Tim's parents were poisoned. Damian was the only one who wasn't an orphan, but he was raised in the League of Shadows and abandoned by his mother to his father, Bruce.

"Please, Peter. Just say it. I can take whatever is coming." Ned said.

"May was killed by the Joker 2 months ago. Ok, there I said it." Peter said.

"Wait, what..." Ned said depressingly surprised, "Peter, please tell me CPS hasn't gotten you and they moved you from an orphanage in Gotham to a foster home here."

"Ned don't worry. I am fine. I met someone 8 months ago who has a habit of adopting orphans. Em and Jay like to call him an orphan collector." Peter said with a soft smile on his face, remembering the day Bruce asked him (Peter) if he wanted to officially join the BatFamily not just as a vigilante but as a member of the Wayne-Stark family. Emma and Jason found a way to hide in that room, or any room that they could cause disappointment and laughter in, and said that Bruce was adding another orphan to his "collection". Jason, being Jason, described each version of orphans that Bruce has "collected", The Classic Familial Connection Orphan, The Annoying Circus Orphan, The Cute I Grew Up In Crime Alley Orphan, and The Rare I'm A Rich Neglected Kid Orphan. Now, according to Jason, Bruce has The Depressed New Yorker Orphan. Emma and Jason have thousands of issues and sanity is one of them. (deadpool, why are you still writing? because i can amelia. i want the reader's to guess who is who. i wANT tO eAT hIM pLEase? no, v. aWWwwwwwWWWe😭 when did you learn to use emojis v? i'M iN Your HeAd reMEmbER. oh... right😬 i forgot. iT's Fine 'mELIa. i LiKE you mORe thAN DeaDPOol. thanks, v.) Jason pulled Peter into a brotherly hug, which was the normal pull of the younger brother to your side, and then with your other hand you ruffled his hair. Peter remembered Bruce's smile while he......

"Parker." A voice barked to Peter. Peter knew that voice from anywhere. It was Flash Thompson, or Eugene as he (Peter) has come to now Eugene. Eugene pulled Peter out of Peter's happy thoughts of the day he (Peter) was adopted by Bruce. Unknown to Peter, Emma and Jason forgot to give Peter the lunch they made for him (more like Alfred made) and came to find Peter as soon as they realized they had forgotten to give him his lunch.

"Where were you, Parker? How did you just disappear like you did? One day you're at Midtown then the next wherever your poor little orphan heart belonged. What were you begging in the streets of Gotham? I bet that suits you well. How's your aunt?" Eugene said mockingly to Peter.

"Oooo, that would really hurt if he actually cared." Emma said, coming up from behind Peter and ruffling his hair, "Dad said that Alfred wants supper at 6, 'kay? Please take care of everything you need to get done before then so we can have a family game night. That includes T's craziness in the lab with you."

"Emmy, why do you have to be so harsh to the kid? He's only been a Wayne-Stark for like 2 months. I'm surprised he even wanted to move back to New York 'cause the deal went like he's gotta deal with us and T." Jason said, slinging his arm very brotherly around Emma's shoulder, "Also kid, Eugene, right? Don't even talk about begging on the streets of Gotham until you've lived it yourself. I lived it and it's less begging more stealing than anything."

"Right, isn't that how you got adopted, Jay?" Emma said sarcastically to her younger brother.

"Shut up, Classic-Family-Connection Orphan. The Cute-I-Grew-Up-In-Crime-Alley Orphan is speaking." Jason said with too much confidence in his voice and a growing light-hearted laughter approaching.

"What type of orphan is, Parker? I bet he is the dumb one." Eugene said.

"Oh, Petey's the Depressed-New-Yorker Orphan obviously." Jason said way too casually, "Oh, yeah, Petey Pie, Alfred made lunch for the family even Bruce and Tony. Bruce was like I'll be fine and Tony was like does it have crusts? It was hilarious. You really should have been there."

"Well Jason and I need to go so have a good rest of your day, Pete!" Emma said optimistically, dragging Jason out of Midtown by the arm. 

"So that's Jason and Emma." Ned said.

"Yup." that was all that Peter could say in response as Jason and Emma walked out together bickering.

wow melia took you long wenough to write this patt are you like wanting me to write again iwas prete greate dont you agree v...enom nO aND i wiSh yoU wHERe deaD. Be nice, v. I know you hate him and want to eat him, but the readers like him more than we do. bOOr thE rEAders foR oNLy wANtiNG DeADpOOl, hE iS stuPID and anNOyinG. Play nice, v. oK. you will never besd ridde of MEEEEEEEE! they love MEEEEE! and you took way to long to write this just saying. No one asked for your opinion, DP. tHIS iS wHY yOU aRE my HoST. Fair, v, Fair

Amelia and veNOM

deadpool 🦄(world's best author and cheft)

(EVIL LAUGHS!!!! HUZZAAAHHHHH!!!! It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me! ~Your favorite valkyrie)

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