How To Date A Guy In 7 Words [Day 14 pt 1]

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Micah woke up at 11 am in his bed with pajamas on. Before he could worry on who changed his clothes he remembered yesterdays events of the boys talking about marriage right before he passed out.'Not gonna lie, felt kinda nice to have them fight over me.'

Yawning he thought about this being the first time he's been the center of attention outside his family. 'Imagine if they were serious... they weren't serious, right?'

'I can barley take care of myself minus 5 horny guys well- 4... maybe 3? Eh-.' Micah's bed then vibrated causing him to groan thinking it was his dads only to see it was Lorelai."Heh?" Clicking his tongue Micah cleared his throat before answering the phone.

"Hello, Micah?" - Lorelai

"Yo." - Micah

"Hey, Micah! Long time no speak." - Lorelai

"Yeah... it's been a while, I guess." - Micah

"Well I called you a few times since we last talked, but you haven't answered; until now." - Lorelai

"You did? I didn't get no calls... but I've been busy." - Micah

"Oh no worries. I get busy all the time too! Totally know how that goes." - Lorelai

"Mhm." Micah yawned.

"Anyways! I was thinking that maybe, you wanted to go to a movie with me and a few friends or something." - Lorelai

"Uh yeah- I'm gonna pass on that." - Micah

"See here's the thing- I kinda figured you'd say no. So this time I tried something different." - Lorelai

Micah sweat dropped before asking."What did you try?"

"I'm actually outside of your apartment building, right now as we speak." - Lorelai

"You what?!" Micah shouted falling backwards off his bed.

Yup! I'm right outside your building and I'm ready to go." - Lorelai

"Lorelai! It's 11 am. It's too early for a movie." - Micah

"They usually do discounts for early showings and since you don't have a job I kinda figured-."- Lorelai

"Okay, don't got to remind me- jeez." - Micah

"So come on, boy let's go." - Lorelai

"I'm not going Lorelai." Micah said getting up off the floor to get ready for the day.

"What! Why not? The last time we went to the movies together was during Highschool. You remember how much fun that was." - Lorelai

"Yeah the last time I went with you and your friends. It was uncomfortable." - Micah

"I promise the movie theater has been upgraded; and the seats are phenomenal now" - Lorelai

"That's the wrong uncomfortable. The uncomfortable I'm talking about is, never mind. I'm not going." - Micah

"Micah, I've been reading a self-help book about being assertive." - Lorelai

"Right..." - Micah

"The book taught me to have a back bone! And as your friend, I'm going to be assertive now and say you're coming to the theaters." - Lorelai

"Oh yeah? Well- I'm in my building, in my room; and you can't get in. Glad you got a backbone." Micah smirked as he looked through his clothes.

"Micah~!" Lorelai whined out a shout.

"That girl is crazy if she thinks I'm hanging out with her friends." Micah talked to himself.

Micah then heard his landlord ask if Lorelai knew him causing him to panic. Lorelai said she was his best friend and he freaked out."Lorelai, I swear to god! If you-!"

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