Chapter 35

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Wei Wuxian:

It has been two months, since I last stepped a foot in this office. In the past two months, things have been difficult to deal with. I still haven't told Jiang Cheng about our dearest father being alive, I hadn't heard a peep from Lan Zhan or even heard about him. Jiang Cheng seemed to be out of it, Cuifen has been coming over a lot more, staying with us in the main estate for days at the end and I had a beef to address with Wen Ning.

Who stood in front of me right now.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you were working with my father?" I asked, my voice deadly.

I may have been shot and still haven't recovered entirely but that doesn't mean I didn't have people to kill off Wen Ning. But before that, I needed an explanation.

"Wei-xiong....uhm...." He fumbled, his head hung low and he was under pressure. He was shaking because he knew what I would do since he crossed me.

As killer and strikingly intelligent as Wen Ning was, he still was scared of me. For two reasons, one, his job would be on line and second, his life will be on line. And I held the thread to that very precariously because I didn't give two shits about what he did unless and until it didn't concern me or my mission. He was a friend, sure, that also played a major factor in me being lenient. But right now, he knew he fucked up. And he fucked up big time.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked again, edging him to spill what he knew about that situation.

"You know" I said and stood up, the heels of my shoes clicking on the marble floor "the faster you talk, the easier I will make this for you. The more information you give me, the lesser repercussions you face. So, I would appreciate it if you start talking."

"Wei-xiong, I promise you I didn't mean to do it out of my own will. It just happened that way and because he was helping me with the case, I....I didn't want to just yet let go of such a useful resource of information-"

"HE IS MY FATHER! THE FATHER WHO WE HAD MOURNED FOR AND ARE STILL MOURNING FOR!" My voice boomed in my office and bounced off the walls.

Wen Ning shriveled up.

"Wen Ning, I don't care what you see him as. Fine, you can see him as resource for information" it hurt to even say that " but I had a right to know that you were working with my father. We could have uncovered the evidence much faster if you had just told me." I said. It took everything in me to not break down, because, Wen Ning after all was a dear friend.

It stung to even say those words. The Jiang Fengmian who I grew up calling father, was suddenly a man I didn't know. He was suddenly someone who looked like my father, talked like my father but was nothing like him. My father wouldn't hurt us deliberately knowing what the information would do to us.

But I also understood why he didn't show up. He wanted everyone to think that Jiang Fengmian was dead, that Yu Yizuan was dead. That no one could speak of the atrocities that the Triad had put people through because of the power they had. But to keep it secret for almost 10 months while we mourned, while Shijie and Jiang Cheng almost fell apart? It seemed a little too much.

"Wen Ning." I called out once again as I sat in front of him, my back resting on the edge of the table.

"Well, almost nine months ago...."

Wen Ning started talking, finally.


It had almost dawned on as a revelation as to what the evidence was, while we did not have any physical proof yet in our hands, Wen Ning's reassurance that I didn't need to have a meeting with Wen Chao in order for us to locate the final pieces of the puzzle.

Love, Chef. - A Chen Qing Ling/Modaozushi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now