Chapter 24

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Nie Huaisang:

"Hey!" I heard someone calling me.

"I thought you wouldn't show up, you're like, 30 minutes late." I said.

"Now now, don't be cranky, I know they have enough drinks to spend your money on here."

"Wei Wuxian, if you can't be on time, then don't ask people to come out of their beds early. It was my precious day off too." I said, as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Haha! I am sorry, I haven't been able to sleep recently and I lost track of time while working." He said while motioning for someone to receive his order.

"Yeah, things must be crazy with the whole IPO and succession planning on your side?"

"It is. But so far, I haven't seen anything suspicious for me to worry about." He said as he handed me a few documents.

I sat back on my chair as I looked through the said documents, it wasn't until a name popped up that I stopped in my tracks.

"Mo....Xuanyu....? W...what is he doing...??" I asked, almost choking.

"Oh... yeah. He also wants to be a part of this operation by holding on to 10% shares once we put our stocks up on the market."

"I see." I instantly shut off and went back to all business related things immediately so that my mind wouldn't wander there.

We were in that cafe through brunch before the clock said 3PM and we came to a conclusion about everything else. As soon as I boarded my car, my head instantly kissed the steering wheel, well, kiss would be an understatement. My head almost burst open by how hard I slammed my head in the damn steering wheel.

"Fuck." I said as I rubbed my forehead.

As I sat back in the driver's seat, all the memories started to rush in.


"Huaisang!" I heard a voice calling out to me.

That voice was music to my ears and I have waited for almost 6 months for a moment like this, him coming towards me, smiling and calling my name out cheerfully.

"H-hey!" I said, on my third attempt "I hope you don't mind meeting me after your rehearsals?"

"Not at all. It gets really boring at home, so I actually appreciate you calling me." He said, his smile lighting up the entire park, it seemed.

"I see.." my words faltered as my knees were about to give out.

"So, you might wanna tell me why did it take you this long to ask me out?" He asked, staring right at me.

"" My throat suddenly dried up.

"I know you've been coming to see my plays everywhere we perform it. I have also received your flowers multiple times and food along with it, which I am eternally grateful for. But my suspicion started to brew that you were a stalker in the beginning because you started to show up even at my solo dance performances."

"B-but....I-I am not a s-stalker!" I said, suddenly finding strength to speak.

"Yeah, I got to know that through a friend of mine."

He looked at me and then smiled before continuing.

"That's why I am wondering, what took you so long."

"Well, if you did then you should have come and look for me. I was always there."

"Yeah, I tried that. But your coward ass decided to run away as soon as the rehearsals or the show's ended. So I never had the opportunity to."

"I-I see.....I am sorry. If I knew you would be interested, I would have done this sooner."  I stood up.

"Mmm....well" he stood up too and came close to me "you really don't know how cute you are, do you?" 

My breath hitched and my heart started beating so fast, that I was sure the entire world could hear it right now.

Not being able to take the stimulation, I ran away again, well, atleast tried. Mo Xuanyu was a strong man, his grip on my wrist was deadly and right now, if I moved even an inch I knew he would just break it in two.

"Look, you can either keep being an coward or you can grab dinner with me right now. The choice is yours and the price of you running away is your arm, so choose wisely." He said, his intimidating eyes boring into mine. 


Just like that something amazing began, even if it was for a short while.

I walked out of the shower, as my damp hair stuck to my face and the heat that was encasing me while ago because of the hot water, slowly set in the exhaustion in my system. 

All I wanted was to drink some wine and eventually fall asleep while listening to music but, life had other plans for me as I heard a knock on my door.

"Young Master." Said the butler.

"What is it?" I asked, almost barking away because of my irritation taking over me.

"Mr. Wen is here to see you."

As soon as I heard the name, I stopped in my tracks before turning on my heels and walking towards the wardrobe.

"Please show him to my office" I said.

I was wearing pajamas and had no energy to wear something fancy right now. So I threw a long kimono jacket over my attire and combed my hair before walking upto the office.

As soon as I walked into the office, I witnessed a very nervous Wen Chao and his assistant Wen Zhuliu standing beside him.

"I would appreciate it if you could inform me beforehand if you're coming to my house." I said as I walked upto the couch and coffee table to take a seat.

"You!" Wen Chao began "you said that you won't let the Jiang's succeed even if they do end up coming back to the country!"

The room was filled with his nervous energy.

"Mr. Wen, you have to realise that running business is not easy. But playing hooky with everyone in the industry is even harder." I said.

"Why-why do you have to play hooky?! You can just come to our side and-"

"And lose all my connections? Let go of my shares in the company? Leave the luxurious life that I am leading? Yeah, no. I prefer it this way."

"We can provide you with better opportunities!" Wen Chao's desperation was almost at its cusp now.

"I believe you but I have built this all on my own, I am not willing to let this go." I said, crossing my legs.

"But-" he started.

"Don't worry, the Jiang's won't be able to succeed. You have my word." I said, as I took a sip of the drink in front of me.

Let the games begin. 

Love, Chef. - A Chen Qing Ling/Modaozushi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now