Chapter 27

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Lan Wangji

"Dada~" I hear a cry from the living room as well as the nanny entering the house.

"Shizui, you're home!" I said, walking out of my office and lifting Shizui off of his feet.

He hugs me with his tiny arms and I take in his familiar baby moisturiser scent.

"Mrs. Cho, please take the rest of the day off, you have been working hard." I say to the hard working nanny.

"Ah, thank you Mr. Lan. It's been a while since you have been at home, Shizui must be thrilled, isn't it?" Mrs. Cho said, smiling.

"Yes, today its just going to be dada and me!" Shizui said as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

This little boy is a bundle of joy, truly.

"Alright then, I shall not disturb you both. I will take my leave now Mr. Lan and Shizui, I look forward to meeting you tomorrow." Mrs. Cho said, I nodded and she left while smiling at me.

"Okay Shizui, do you want to meet someone new today?" I asked.

He looked at me with his doe eyes, unsure of what to say.

"It's Dada's friend, he is a very good friend of mine, will you be a good boy?" I said, assuring that he is going to meet someone who was safe and sound.

His face brightened up as soon as he heard that we were going to meet someone new. Shizui was a happy child, I made sure that none of the messes that we, adults are into, gets to him. So that he can be a child, until he decides that it's time to grow up. Despite me wanting that, he was a intelligent child, curious yet understanding, loving yet rational, he would be such a good man when he grows up.

Putting him down, I let him run over to his room so he could freshen up before I pulled my phone out and started to dial a number.

"Hello~" A cheery voice came from the other side.

"Wei Ying, are you free today?" I asked, hoping he was free.

"Yeah, I am just lying around and doing nothing right now. What do you have in mind?" He asked.

"Would you like to come over for dinner?"

A silence fell over and I got worried if I was moving too quickly. It had been only 6 months since they came back and I was reunited with him, as much as I wanted to keep him to myself, I realised that before he left I had said some things I regret saying. I needed to give him time and space but I needed to know, was there any hope for us? Or was it all in vain? Would I have to keep waiting for him for a lifetime or would be give me a chance to reprimand myself?

"Okay!" His voice came, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"I will be there at 7, I hope you're cooking though, Lan Zhan!" He said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I will see you once you're here." I say and hang up.

"A-yuan, let's go shopping!" I said and walked over to his room.

Grocery shopping with Shizui was a delightful experience, he would sit in the cart and point at ingredients while holding on to the shopping list. Whenever we made our way towards the candy sections, he would quietly look at them and then away. It was like a little teasing game I would enjoy.

Love, Chef. - A Chen Qing Ling/Modaozushi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now