Chapter 14

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Now three months pregnant, Amelia decides to join Kai and watch him and the lads. Having been away for three months with really bad morning sickness was weird for the girl because she adores coming to watch her teammates. "Here she is. She's back!" Mateo smiles as he runs up to Amelia and the croatian-british duo share a long awaited hug. "Yes, I'm back and I'm here with a now 3 month developed foetus." Amelia smiles as the pair separate from their hug.

"Nice to see the morning sickness hasn't killed you off yet." Ben jokes as Amelia playfully rolls her eyes. "It's going to take more than that, Ben." Amelia laughs as she sits in her usual spot in the changing room of cobham. "Yeah. The last time we saw you was at the start of your pregnancy when you looked like you were hit by a train." Conor laughs as do some of the others, including Amelia. "Honestly, Con. I felt like I was hit by a train." Amelia chuckles.

"And has the morning sickness subsided?" Marcus asks as Amelia shakes her head. "Not yet. My doctor for the pregnancy has said that it's likely to subside within the second or third trimester. But, it's not as bad as month 1. That was horrific." Amelia shrugs as she and the lads head outside. "We could tell from your attendance being basically zero here and at Stamford Bridge." Raheem comments as Amelia rolls her eyes yet again. "Do youse know what your having yet?" Timo asks as he joins the conversation. "Nope. And we are thinking on having a gender reveal only videos and photos do not get posted as we're plan on revealing the gender on the day of the birth. That's if. We might not to annoy you guys" Kai says.

The group head outside. Amelia was thankful the hot summer temperatures had passed and it was now october. "Amelia. So good to see your back and well again." Thomas smiles as the german manager quickly hugs the girl. "It's good to be back and watching this rowdy lot. Hopefully they didn't cause too much trouble while I was gone." Amelia smiles. "No, they never. It was a shame you couldn't be at the first home game of the season. Did you keep up and watch it at home?" Thomas asks as the girl frowns and shakes her head. "Not really. I was asleep most of the time because the morning sickness was just draining me and making me feel weak, all i wanted to do was sleep." Amelia chuckles. "Well, the important thing is you're feeling better now." Thomas says as the lads begin warming up.

Amelia stands beside Thomas as the pair chat while the lads train ahead of their next game against Leicester City. The british girl stands, watching her teammates as Thomas joins the team on the pitch. Amelia gets her phone out and gets a few videos and photos of her teammates training and sends them to the groupchat for them all to enjoy later.


Once lunch was complete, the team were in the gym doing their usual exercises. Loud music playing as chatter fills the room aswell. "Do you know when you can play again?" Ruben asks Amelia as she sits on a bench while on her phone. "Probably 5 or 6 months after baby is born." Amelia shrugs. "I don't know yet." she adds with a sigh.

"I know your playing again seems far but you'll be back on the pitch before you know it." Reece reassures the girl as she nods. The team's gym session seems to go rather quickly and the group decided to have team meal. It wasn't the whole team, just a few as some had things to deal with back home.


For the team dinner, Kai went out with the lads while Amelia decided to stay in as she wasn't feeling well because of the baby. 'Who knew being pregnant was so hard?' Amelia says to herself as she chuckles. Don't get her wrong, she loves Kai so much, more than she's ever loved anyone before, and always saw herself having a baby with him but neither expected it to be so soon.

"Babe, I'm home." Kai calls as he walks through the door and Balou heads over as Novella stays snuggled up on the brunette's chest. "I'm in the room with the dog on me." Amelia laughs as Kai walks in and lifts the girls legs up and lays them across his lap. "How was the meal?" Amelia asks Kai as she runs her hand over Novella's head as Balou lays on the floor infront of them. "It was okay. Just me, Timo, Mase, Conor and Ben." Kai shrugs. "Well, Azpi and Jorgi came over for a bit while you were out. Basically to babysit me which I did not need." Amelia jokes as she and Kai laugh.

Novella jumps off Amelia's chest and the brit lays her head on Kai's lap as he begins playing with her hair. "Scary how in 6 months we'll have a baby." Kai says as Amelia hums. "Yeah. I'm excited for this next massive change in our lives." Amelia mutters. It was already late and the pregnancy had made her tired but Kai playing with her hair made her even more tired.

Grabbing the remote, Kai puts on some Top Gear and sits back with Amelia still laid with her head on his lap. The girl falls asleep just as the show begins. The boy doesn't notice until a soft snore escapes the girls mouth. The german looks at the girl on his lap and lightly chuckles when he sees her asleep. Grabbing the blanket, Kai lays it over her and places a soft kiss on the side of her head.

A/N: Only a short one. I didn't realize the time otherwise I would have published this chapter earlier but I've been busy getting a few things for a friend's birthday 😅. But, here's todays chapter, number 14 ☺️

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