Chapter 8

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The morning of the ultrasound and the night before, Amelia fell asleep on Kai's chest as the pair laid on the couch. The german didn't move from the couch and laid a blanket over the both of them.

As she wakes up, Amelia can feel the warmth off the blanket and Kai's body keeping her warm despite the boiling London temperatures. Amelia carefully lifts the blanket up before slowly getting up and heading to the bathroom. It has become a routine for the girl to know what time she throws up now that she is used to the pregnancy and Kai is aware of the times too, when he's awake.

Amelia, as soon as she was at the bathroom, crouches infront of the toilet. 'Come on. I know your wanting to come up. just hurry' Amelia says to herself in her head and just as she says that, she feels the nausea rise and she ends up throwing up. Luckily, Amelia had her hair already up in a ponytail so it saved any of it falling infront of her face.

Once she was cleaned up and changed with her makeup done and hair fixed, the brunette british girl heads downstairs where Kai is laid awake on the couch with Novella curled up on his chest. "Wow, good morning. You're up and ready for once." Kai chuckles as Amelia sits beside him and Novella moves onto her lap. "What time's our appointment?" Kai asks as Amelia gently runs her hand over Novella's fur. "Half 11 this morning. So get up as you need to get ready." Amelia slap her hand on the german's chest before picking Novella up and holding her close to her chest.


As they sat in the waiting room, Amelia didn't realize she had a tight hold of Kai's hand until he spoke up. "Lia, you're squashing my hand. What's wrong?" Kai asks as he rubs his thumb on the back of his girlfriends hand. "I'm just nervous. The last time I was pregnant I was forced to have an abortion. What if they tell me the chances of me having a healthy and safe pregnancy are slim?" Amelia frowns as Kai gently rubs her shoulder.

"Hey, we're going to be fine. I'm sure that the baby is going to be able to develop safely. We don't have to think about the inevitable yet." Kai reassures Amelia as she anxiously nods. "Are you worried about that because of the constant morning sickness that it could be much more." Kai suggests as Amelia nods. "Yeah. Now we're here, it's really hitting how much of a reality this is." Amelia admits as a slow flow of tears fall down her cheeks. "It's going to be fine, schatz. Both us and the baby will be fine." Kai reassures the girl as she nods.

"Amelia Rosendale?" a nurse calls and the brown-eyed girl takes a deep breath. "That's me." she responds to her name being called. "Would you like to follow me?" the nurse smiles before Amelia stands up and keeps ahold of Kai's hand, signaling him to come with her. "We're in this together. I want you there. The baby would want you." Amelia quietly says to Kai as she keeps ahold of his hand. The german smiles at the girl before following her into the room.

"Hi, Amelia. How are we feeling?" the doctor smiles as Amelia and Kai take a seat. "Much better than yesterday." Amelia smiles. "Good. Well, I'm doctor beacroft and i'll be your doctor for the duration of your pregnancy." the female obgyn doctor smiles. Amelia nods as she squeezes Kai's hand. "Okay. And are you the father?" doctor beacroft turns to Kai. "Yes. I am. And you can call me Kai." he says as the doctor nods. "Okay. Amelia, would you mind laying on the bed please." doctor beacroft asks as Amelia nods.

Amelia lifts up her shirt as Kai joins her
stands beside her. "So, is this you first baby?" doctor beacroft asks. "For both of us. Not for me." Amelia bites her lip and her obgyn looks at her. "Okay. This will we a little cold so bare with." they say as they squirt some gel onto her stomach. "Oh, that is cold." Amelia chuckles as the doctor begin the scan. "When did you find out?" doctor beacroft asks. "Uh, a few days ago. I went home from training early because I wasn't well. I hadn't been for a couple of day. So, I took 4 tests and that's when I found out." Amelia smiles.

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