Chapter 26

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It has been a few weeks since Isabella was born and Kai has returned to training. Amelia was currently awake and making herself avocado on toast while pumping her breast milk to put into a baby bottle ready for when Issy wakes up.

The british-german couple have adjusted to being parents. Not only with the help of each other and their families but teammates too. Tuchel gave Kai a few weeks out before allowing him to return to training. Isabella was now 5 weeks old and both Amelia and Kai couldn't believe how quick it was going.

Once her breakfast was made, Amelia takes the breast pumps and pours the contents into a bottle for Isabella before going upstairs to pick up her daughter out of her cot. "Hi my girl." Amelia smiles as she lifts her daughter up and places kisses on her face. "Lets change that nappy of yours, yeah." she says as she carries her 5 week old baby girl to the changing matt.

After Isabella's nappy was changed and she was in some clothes, Amelia wraps Isabella in a blanket and carries her downstairs. Heading into the kitchen, Amelia grabs her toast and Isabella's bottle before going to the living room and sitting on the couch. The brunette girl eats her toast before feeding Isabella her bottle. "God, you're a messy eater aren't you." Amelia chuckles as she uses her thumbs to wipe the milk from around Issy's mouth.

Once she was fed, Amelia lays Isabella in her swing as Balou and Novella lay either side as Pooch joins Amelia in the kitchen. The girl washes her plate and Isabella's bottle before letting them drain. "Right Pooch. Lets get you outside to go crazy." Amelia says as she rubs the cockapoo's head. The brunette british girl walks over to the patio doors and Pooch immediately runs into the garden.

Balou and Novella soon followed the cockapoo while Amelia sat close to Isabella's swing. "You look like me, don't you." Amelia smiles as she rubs her hand ontop of Isabella's stomach. The one month old baby softly giggles as she is rocked in the swing. "Daddy will be having some time off soon. Then we can have a little family holiday, baby." Amelia softly says as she runs her hand over her daughter's stomach.

Amelia cannot seem to get over her perfect her baby girl was. The 9 months built up to her and Kai having an adorable baby. Both of them knew the gender but kept it from their teammates and fans including social media. The pair relished in the fact they knew the gender of their baby and no-one else did except family.

"How about you and me go for a walk, Issy? Would you like that?" Amelia smiles as she picks up her daughter and place's multiple kisses all over her face.


The walk to the closest park wasn't far. With Isabella wrapped up in her pram, Amelia slowly strolled through the park. It was rather peaceful with young children playing football and others in the park itself. The brown-eye girl sits on a bench and rocks the pram back and forth to keep Isabella settled. "Amelia?" she hears a voice ask from behind her. The girl turns around and sees her dad.

"Hey dad. How come you're not working?" Amelia asks Nick as he sits beside her on the bench. "Day off. Is this Isabella?" Nick asks, nodding towards the pram as Amelia pushed it. "Yes it is. Would you like to see your granddaughter?" Amelia smiles as Nick nods. The girl stands up before picking her sleeping daughter up and carefully laying her in Nick's arms, trying not to wake her.

"She looks like you." Nick smiles as he admires his sleepimg granddaughter. "Kai's said that aswell." Amelia says. "Has she met your teammates yet?" Nick asks as Amelia shakes her head. "Me and Kai have just been enjoying it being both of us and Isabella along with Novella, Balou and Pooch before all the attention starts." Amelia laughs. It was her first time out in public since having Isabella. "Me and your mum were the same with you. But, with yours and Kai's job, I don't blame you." Nick sympathizes with Amelia as she nods.

Night Changes: Kai HavertzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora