Chapter 69: Red Ball

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Ghost took the time to step away and get some of Soap's equipment set out beside the bed. He returned to Soap and quickly pulled him against his chest, lacing his fingers through the back of his mohawk and tugging his head back up before properly descending on his neck. He bit in a little rough, relishing the way Johnny groaned and his muscles spasmed. He preemptively slotted his thigh between his legs for when his hips inevitably began to stutter and seek friction.

He pulled from Soap harshly, feeling starved from how much energy he had used on Makarov today. Soap tasted incredible as always. A welcome warmth spread throughout his body that was all him. All Johnny.

He suckled at Soap's neck like a man on the brink of death and this was the last water source on earth. Soap whimpered and his knees buckled from the dizziness and mind numbing sensation of blood loss. Ghost let him fall just enough to be straddling his thigh, holding him steady the rest of the way. Right on queue the man started rutting against him and Ghost smiled against him while continuing to drink.

Once he felt Soap beginning to tremble he gave one last draw before pulling off and licking over the wound in apology. He softly stroked the back of his hair and gripped his hip to encourage him to continue rocking against him.

"Alright, Puppy?"

"S'good, Sir."

"Good, good, good." Ghost nuzzled the side of his head, "You taste so sweet, Love."

"Use your words, Johnny."

"Can- Can we... can you..." Soap swallowed trying to get his head on straight, "Inside. Please."

"Excellent work, Sergeant." It wasn't super clear, but Ghost could see that he was trying his best and appreciated the effort, "Anything else?"

"Hng- collar. Wanna wear it."

Ghost grinned, "Thought you might."

Ghost hoisted him up and eased him onto the edge of the bed, momentarily ignoring his whine as he stepped away to retrieve the item in question. He got it wrapped around Soap's neck and pulled back to look at him, all flushed and desperate and his.

Soap grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward to bring their mouths together. Ghost pulled back slightly, hooking a finger under his collar and tugging, "Didn't ask first did you?"

"M'sorry, Sir. Wanted to kiss ya. Yer so pretty."

Ghost felt himself blush, momentarily losing his composure and surging forward to kiss him anyway. Soap could taste himself on Ghost's tongue and moaned into him. The sound pulled Ghost back a bit and he reached behind Soap to give him a few smacks on the ass for good measure. Soap yelped a bit and he pulled away to search his face. Soap was panting at this point.

"Can I suck you off, Master? I'd be so good, I swear it." Soap babbled.

"Thought you wanted me inside, Puppy. I don't think you meant your mouth." Ghost replied, fighting the urge to let him at the sound of the name he had been called.

"I-I do, Sir. Want you in my ass."

"Can't be in two places at once, Love." Ghost laughed, bringing a thumb up to trace his bottom lip. Soap eagerly mouthed at it, so he pressed it into his tongue and Soap sucked on it. Ghost drew in a shaky breath at the sight of Soap's desperate half lidded eyes.

"Need something in your mouth, sweetheart?"

Soap hummed around his finger in confirmation, so Ghost managed to tear himself away. Johnny made a noise of protest losing the thumb. Ghost dug through his things and returned with a ball gag. He had bought it mostly as a joke regarding Soap's interest in playing fetch, but he didn't really think he'd use it. He liked listening to his noises too much, but now...

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