In reality, I was quite nervous for the school to find out. I didn't know how they would take it, and if it would be seen as breaking the rules. Jared wasn't Sophia's parent, so surely it was okay?

I wouldn't put it past the place to have a few stern words with me though.

"Well if your work have something to say then I'll explain that I just can't stay away from you," Jared told me, and I laughed, shaking my head.

He had a way with words, and he knew how to make me melt.

"Are you working from home today?" I asked, hoping the answer was yes. I wanted to spend longer with him, even if it was just an extra couple of hours.

"I can do," he told me, tracing the outside of my lips, leaning forwards to plant one final kiss to them, my heart hammering against my chest so hard I was sure that Jared could hear it. "I'll get breakfast started. Do you like eggs?"

I nodded, my mouth salivating as Jared wheeled his way out of my room. I sighed in contentment, flopping down onto the bed, the springs squeaking as I did so, causing me to laugh.

How could a simple kiss make someone feel so happy?

I frowned suddenly though, knowing I was going to need to start looking for an apartment to stay in. I couldn't expect Jared to let me stay for free forever, and I wanted to be out of his hair as quickly as possible. It wasn't fair on him. I was invading his space.

Reaching for my phone out of my rucksack, I opened up my main menu, noticing that I had had a few missed calls, the person leaving a couple of voicemails. It wasn't uncommon for me to receive calls from unknown numbers, the school often using different phones to try and contact me asking if I can do overtime or help them out with something.

I placed my phone to my ear, listening to the first voicemail, hearing shuffling. My brows furrowed, and I immediately deleted the message, confused.

Someone must have done that by accident. Debbie at work was always struggling with technology, and it most likely would have been her.

Listening to the next message, I chewed on my lip, anxiety racing through my veins.

"Hello Anna, it's your Father here."

My blood ran cold, and I felt nauseous hearing the slimy voice, my Father's tone invasive and humorous as if harassing me was some giant game to him. He was the cat and I was the mouse, and he would play until he caught me.

"You seem to be ignoring my calls, so I thought I would leave you a little message. I hope your little job is going well. I imagine you're working as a waitress or a cashier or something insignificant like that. You were never destined for greatness."

My Father chuckled as he took a slurp of something, and my guess was that it was alcohol. He was most definitely drunk. I could tell by the way his words were slurring and he kept spluttering.

He didn't seem to know where I was working though, and that was a good sign.

"You can't survive out there on your own, Anna. You'll break, and you'll come running back to where you belong. That, or I'll find you and drag you back home by your hair. It's your choice."

The voicemail ended suddenly, and I threw my phone to the end of my bed, my hands shaking. I had really talked myself into believing that it had been my Father that had broken into my home, but he hadn't said anything about it, and I knew he wouldn't give up the opportunity to gloat about what he had done.

It appeared he still didn't know my location.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Listening to the voicemail had actually calmed my nerves, something I hadn't expected. I was still safe.

Scrambling for my phone, I quickly blocked the number my Father had called me on, groaning. My Father was wasting a lot of effort getting new numbers to contact me through. Surely I wasn't worth all of this trouble? Why couldn't he just let me go?

I was no longer hungry, my stomach gurgling, cramps beginning, but I didn't want to appear ungrateful towards Jared. Forcing a smile onto my face, I made my way out of my bedroom, making my way through the hallway and entering a tiled room.

Jared was stirring a pot, having to brace his arms on his wheelchair to push himself up so he could reach the stove, and I wondered why he hadn't got things altered around here to suit him. Everything seemed far too high.

"I can help," I told him, making my way over and stirring the spoon in the pot, Jared looking at me with a frown. "Sorry."

"No, don't apologise," he said, wheeling himself backwards. "I need to accept the help sometimes. There is something I want to speak to you about though."

I hummed in response, continuing to stir the spoon as Jared opened up a cupboard to pull out some plates, placing them on the table, which again, was far too high.

I was concerned he had heard my voicemail I had been listening to. Was he going to ask me what it was about? Surely there was no way he could have heard all the way from the kitchen?

"I'm going to be having surgery the day after tomorrow," he said, and I inhaled sharply, turning to him with my eyebrows raised.

"What kind of surgery?"

Was there something wrong with Jared that I didn't know about? Was he okay?

Jared gestured down to his legs, chuckling. "My legs. I'm getting them removed so I can have prosthetics fit. I'll be able to walk again after that."

I tried to keep my breathing calm, and I smiled at Jared, my eyes becoming teary.

Happiness flowed through me. Jared deserved it.

He was going to be able to walk again.


Anna's Father can suck it.

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