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Emily's pov:

An hour passed, hotch and Derek drove of the search for y/n.
Hotch and Derek walked back in.
With nothing.
"We went to there apartments but they weren't there" Derek said to us.
I really hope y/n didn't get themselves into to much trouble.

20 minutes passed and the elevator doors open.
Rossi yelled. We all turned around and y/n walked in with a guy in hand cuffs  with a bleeding nose.
We all ran towards them.
Derek pulled the guy away.
I could see that y/n felt relieved. Spencer immediately hugged them.
"What happend?" Jj asked.

" I was sick and tired of him chasing me. So I chased him. He became aggressive so I punched him in the face, I didn't meant to" y/n explained.
It was my turn to hold them.

Their whole body was shaking in my arm. I wish they told me, told us so we could help. I wanted to stay in their arms and comfort them. I can't imagine what Jackson has put them through.

Y/n's pov:

It felt so good to be in Emily's arms. But it also felt so good when I was in Spencers arms.

I back away from Emily and Derek walks back in.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped" Derek asked.
I didn't know what to answer him.
"I-I I just. I didn't know how to ask for help, isn't not really a strength of mine"  I play around with my fingers as I got nervous.

"Y/l/n my office" hotch said in a light voice. I follow him to his office and close the door. I sat down on the chair and tap my leg.
"I get that it's difficult to ask for help but you could have come to me. I already knew your passed" hotch sat down.
"I know, I contemplated it but I just wanted to get this over with. I was tired." Hotch nodds.

"I'm trying to trust the team more, I really am. I told Spencer everything from my addiction to the conversion therapy and me being I'm the forster system. But it was really hard to share that, so how was I supposed to tell him or anyone else about another thing that happend to me." Hotch sighes.

"I'm here y/n, I know your history. Atleast the one on paper. Come to me next time. Take the rest of the day off. We will deal with jackson"

I nodd at him and leave his office.
I pack my stuff from my desk when I felt someone hugging me again. It was penelope. I give in to the hug. Penelope smelled like hope and joy.
I back up and look her in the eyes.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you"
She smiles at me. "It's difficult trusting people. You haven't been with the team long and when your a private person it's even harder. But when you finnaly want to open up. I'm here"
She rubbed my upper arm.

"We are all here" jj said. The whole team was looking at me with kind smiles. 
"See you guys tomorrow" I walk to the elevator. But before the doors closed Spencer ran in.
I look up at him, he's a bit taller than I am.
I wanted to speak but he shut me up, quite litterly. He pressed his lips on mine. They were small but soft. His hand on my waist, he kissed with such passion. I pull my lips away slowly. He stands with his hands still on my waist.
"Spencer i-. I like you I do. But I also like emily. She kissed me a little while ago and eventho she didn't want anything with me anymore. It feels wrong to do this" but boy did it feel right.

I wanted to kiss him again, but then the thought of emily. I was stuck In-between. And I don't want to Hurt them.
Spencer pulls his hands away from my waist. The elevator doors open again. I need to get off.
I look behind at Spencer.
"It's okay, I can wait" he smiled at me.

My head was such a mess. I was thinking about a million things at once, its like I teleported home.
I lock my door, and take a picture of the break on marks. To send to hotch as evidence. Nothing was missing, not that I noticed.

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