Chapter x 6 [Book 2]

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It was nighttime. Killua and Gon had taken Alluka and Krystal back from the mall, and had gotten in the shower. After a long day, nothing feels better than a nice, flaming-hot shower right before bed.

"It's good to be home," Killua sighed, scrubbing Gon's head and hair with shampoo.

"Mhm," Gon murmured back, his eyes closed.

"Your hair is way too much work," Killua commented. "Why do you need 3 rounds of shampoo?"

"Do you always have to make smart remarks like that?" Gon shook his head.

"You're really starting with me now?" Killua replied with an angry tone.

"You're so irritating," Gon answered, turning to glare at Killua.

They both gave icy stares.

"I love you so much," Gon said, his face softening.

"I love you more," Killua said, grabbing Gon's waist, pulling him close to kiss him.

"No, I love you most," Gon told Killua through pauses when they lips separated.


Krystal and Alluka were in the bedroom Krystal was currently staying in, playing cards. Unfortunately for them, the room had linked walls to the bathroom.

Krystal looked back behind her, flinching.

"Just their evening make-out session," Alluka replied, Krystal not even having to say anything. "They do this all the time."

Krystal looked at Alluka, blinking.


30 minutes later, Killua got out of the shower, and was drying himself off, then finishing by wrapping the towel around his waist. Gon got out before him, and was probably ready for bed.

Killua's mind was heavily filled with thoughts. Not only was he thinking about Gon, but Krystal as well.

Killua finally had an answer to Gon's question.

"Killua?" Gon knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you done yet?"

Killua opened the door for his husband, who came inside and stood in front of Killua.

"You take too long," Gon complained, pushing the damp hair out of Killua's eyes, and kissing his nose.

"Gon," Killua said softly.

"Yes?" Gon answered curiously, resting his palm and the side of his face against Killua's chest.

Killua pulled Gon in closer, hugging his tightly.

"I've thought about it," Killua whispered. "Just... give me some time, okay?"


Two weeks passed. Krystal was upstairs, reading more of the books that were kept on Alluka's old shelf. Most of them were fantasy; however, Krystal took a liking to the few romance novels.

She was suddenly taken by surprise when she heard a large crash in the background.

Krystal's eyes peered above her window, watching as Gon and Killua trained.


"Throw one more," Gon said, after effortlessly punching through a large chunk of cement.

"You're getting better at endurance," Killua said, picking up another piece.

After ignoring their training and Hunter duties for a while, Gon and Killua and decided to go back to what they were used to doing: practicing nen. It had been a while, and they had gotten a bit sloppy. So, back to the basics. But they were strong as ever.

Gon nodded at the compliment, his hand motioning a pair of scissors and quickly slicing the boulder immediately. If you blinked, you would've never seen it.

"And faster," Killua observed. "Just a little more, and I think we'll be caught up. Maybe your jajanken will be useful," he remarked.

"Whatever," Gon sighed.

"I was joking," Killua said. "You're doing really well speed-wise, considering that we're trying to make your 'rock' more effective by applying more nen. It already took a long time to charge up beforehand, so it should be even longer. But you've gotten it down to a second."

"Yeah, but they're only quick pulses," Gon replied. "If I had more time, I think I'd be able to destroy a lot more."

Gon smiled, only to look down and stop.

"Killua..." Gon said softly. "Do you... do you think I'll ever be as good as a hunter my dad was? Ging?" Gon's eyebrows were curved slightly inward, his eyes grew small and dim.

"What are you talking about?" Killua walked over to Gon, placing one hand on his shoulder, the other on his chin, tilting his head up. "Don't ever compare yourself to him. Just because he was a great hunter, doesn't mean you have to be great like him. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I guess," Gon whispered as Killua kissed his forehead. "Maybe I'm just scared that I'll never amount to him, you know? Everyone expected so much from me."

"You are Gon. Not Ging. And that's all that matters," Killua grinned.

Gon's face lit up in response, hugging Killua.

"Thank you, Killua," Gon murmured.

"Of course," Killua said, his face beaming as Gon kissed him back.

"Let's take a break," Killua suggested, taking Gon's hand and leading him inside. And as Killua sat down, Gon went to grab them water.

Killua laid back against the couch pillow, his mind went into thought.

"You know... even though his dad wasn't here for him when he was younger... Gon would make a great father..." Killua pondered.

"Back!" Gon yelled, giving Killua a glass.

"Thank you," Killua smiled, putting his arm around Gon as he plopped down next to him. Gon quickly snuggled up to Killua, his eyes resting.

"I'm beat," Gon said in a quiet voice, grabbing Killua's arms for cuddling. "I didn't think getting back into training would be so... life-draining." But instead, Killua laid Gon's head in his lap, quickly putting him to sleep.

"I love you..." Killua whispered, although it was too quiet for Gon to hear. Killua carefully stroked his husband's thick hair, playing with strands that were out of place.


Meanwhile, Krystal was still reading. She decided that reading was now her favorite thing.

But after seeing what Gon and Killua were just doing out her window, it got her curious about being a hunter. Was it a tough job? Obviously they had gone though some intense training, just watching the way the moved to slice their way through flying objects. Maybe she'd ask them the next time she was able to talk to them!

Krystal was happy when the people taking care of her right now would come talk to her. She became very fond of them; Gon and Killua were very nice and likable people, after all!

The thing was, she was happy just being with them.

"Krystal!" Killua yelled suddenly from downstairs. "Dinner!"

Krystal liked both Gon and Killua for different reasons. She liked Gon because he was the reason she was staying with them now, and that he was an incredibly friendly, funny, kind, and caring person.

She liked Killua because of all the stories he told her, and how much she was able to relate to him. She also liked the way he spoke. Not exactly mysterious, but he sounded incredibly smart!

Krystal quickly hopped up from her seated position on the bed and went downstairs, not wanting to keep Gon and Killua waiting.

"Coming!" Krystal said cheerfully, walking downstairs.

For once, Krystal felt like she belonged.

She wasn't an outsider.

She felt loved.

And she hoped that things would stay that way for her.

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