Chapter x 5 [Book 2]

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The four of them, Gon, Killua, Alluka, and Krystal, went to the mall, and spent a few hours there browsing every store they passed.

"Ooh, ice cream!" Alluka squealed in excitement, pointing to a shop. "I haven't had some in so long!"

"Me too! We should totally get some," Gon nodded.

"Okay, then," Killua agreed. "Want some, Krystal?"

"Oh, yes please!" Krystal beamed.

"So which flavor do you guys want?" Gon asked.

"Chocolate, obviously," Killua laughed.

Alluka's face lit up as she looked at the display and gasped. "Look, they have bubblegum!"

"What about you, Krystal?" Gon asked.

"Hmm..." Krystal sighed. "I don't know. What are the best flavors?"

"Well, let's see... what sounds good to you? Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry are all pretty good... can't go wrong with the classics. They also have cookies n' cream, mint chocolate chip, rocky road..." Gon continued.

"Strawberry sounds good," she said. "Oh man, I'm so excited! I've never had ice cream before!"

"You're kidding!" Alluka exclaimed, surprised. "I love ice cream! It's one of the best things in the whole wide world!"

"Well, I  guess this'll be your first time trying it, then!" Gon smiled. "Killua, can you take Krystal and find a table or bench we can sit down on while I order? Alluka, you'll come with me."

"Sure," Killua replied, taking Krystal with him. They walked until they found an open bench nearby some potted plants.

"So," Killua started speaking while sitting down. "Your parents never even gave you ice cream?" Killua asked.

"Nope. See, I always thought it was a luxury. A fancy food. My parents always had it at their dinner parties, and I wasn't allowed to eat it," Krystal said.

Krystal looked down at her old, white sneakers, that were getting a little too small for her.

"Thank you for... taking care of me..." she said shyly. "I'm really grateful for your help. It's just... I don't want to live the life I had lived ever since I was born anymore. I feel like my 'family' doesn't even love me." Well, I know that they don't love me. They don't even care about what I want to do or say. That's why I ran."

Killua listened carefully and nodded. "Don't worry, I understand what it's like."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Krystal asked. "Did your family... not want you either?"

"No, it's not that..." Killua said softly. "It's running away from home."

Krystal's eyes grew wide. "Did you... run from your family too?"

Killua nodded once more, his eyes dim. "Yeah. Apparently I was 'destined' to become an assassin. I told my family I didn't want my future to be laid out for me, and that I wanted to go my way, but they didn't want to hear it. So I ran from home and became a hunter."

"Your family wanted you to become an assassin?" Krystal frowned.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to," Killua repeated to confirm.

"And you became a—" Krystal froze.

"Wait a minute," Krystal paused. "You're, like, a professional hunter? With a license and everything?"

"That's right," Killua face softened. "My husband as well. In fact, we met each other at the hunter exam."

"Oh wow, both of you? I've heard such amazing things about hunters!" Krystal exclaimed. "I overheard a conversation once between my parents, and they usually never give praise to anyone, but they were saying how great hunters were, and how fearless and daring they are, and—"

Killua started laughing against his own will. "Wow, I didn't expect you to be the talkative sort! Just a few seconds ago, you seemed so quiet."

Krystal's face turned red. "O-oh! I'm sorry! I just... got a little excited."

"No, I'm sorry for laughing, I didn't mean to. I just hadn't expected it," Killua said.

"It's just that now I have someone to talk to," Krystal explained. "I don't talk much at home."

"Ah," Killua replied. "I kinda get it. Like, you had a lot to say, but didn't have the chance to get it out?.

"Yes! Exactly!" Krystal looked it and grinned. "Like, at home, no one ever payed attention to me! And..."

Killua got lost in Krystal's big smile. A familiar gaze of pure happiness. It brought back memories of when he was young, and a certain someone gave him the same, loving grin. Lovestruck, he was back then.

"Gon..." Killua daydreamed of the man he calls his husband, and his best friend. "She reminds me of you."

Killua listened to Krystal's rant and stories, acknowledging every word she said.


A few minutes later, Gon and Alluka started walking over.

"Hi guys!" Gon said. "I have the ice cream."

"Finally," Killua joked. "What took you so long? Did you order 10 large pizzas or something?"

"No," Gon rolled his eyes and handed Killua a cone while leaning over and kissing him on the cheek."

"You idiot... not around others..." Killua spat. Gon smiled softly while Killua's face turned a vibrant shade of red.

Krystal and Alluka laughed together at Killua's reaction.

"You guys are soooo adorable!" Alluka cooed.

Killua palmed his face, only making the girls laugh harder.

"Enjoy, you guys!" Gon said, raising his cone.


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