new un auslly version??

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So I changed the names for obvious reasons but enjoyyyyy

         PROLOGUE: The night was cold, and I could feel my hands going numb. I wanted to cry- I wanted nothing more that to just cry. That's what anyone else in my position would do. I looked at the engagement ring, shimmering in the dark night. Before today, whenever anything wrong occurred in my life I would look at my ring, and watch it bring light to the darkness. But not anymore. After today, this ring wasn't a symbol of hope but a symbol of the destruction that has occurred in my life since I was  a little girl.  I ripped it off my finger and caressed it with my finger one last time. Then, squeezing my eyes shut I hurled it into the unforgiving waters.I watched it sink,ripples spreading across the river. Brandon was gone forever, and I couldn't even ask him why he did it.

      When the ring had completely submerged in the dark waters, I began to heave and cry. looked around me, and realized how easy it would be to just jump. There was only one man here and he was faced the other way, headphones stuffed in their years. If he couldn't hear me cry, then he couldn't hear me jump either. 

    I put my hands on the chipping two foot fence and hauled myself over it. My converse were jutting out of the narrow platform, and I closed my eyes.How had I got here? 

 And then I jumped. 

    Everyone has a story. Some of them are easy to see,easy to identify. But most of them are like mine- messy. I should begin my story when I was eleven years ago.But I won't. And you'll see why soon.

8 years earlier: 

"Wait, so is this a real date, or just some booty call?" I questioned my best friend Alisha. 

"That matters because? Just tell me which dress?" She said raising an eyebrow.

She put a tight, red, bodycon dress over her black tank top and booty shorts. The other dress was a loose black lace backless dress. 

"If it's a booty call dress one, if its a real date-which I doubt- two."

"One day you're going to be in a hole in a ground and you're going to wish you had sex with more people."

I almost choked on my glass of lemonade, "One day you're going to have syphillis and wish you had less sex" I scrunched my nose a little bit for the effect.

"I'm just saying, there are seven billion people on this Earth and thinking that you're going to find the one person that you want to be with forever is kind of narcissistic. I mean after your dad-."

"Please don't talk about that." I said my voice tight, and eyes closed.  

"Sorry." She said, almost nonchalantly. 

"It's okay, I need to get to work. Bye. Text me after the date" I said picking up my back-pack.

"Bye girl."

 Alisha was right. My believe in love shouldn't be so strong- especially after father. 

             I spent most of my childhood in a quaint Long Island treehouse with a pitcher of icy lemonade, my twin sister and Alisha. My other best friend was my library card, my ticket to a thousand different worlds. If you listened hard enough, you could hear hushed voices gushing over cute boys and deciding what color to wear to school. My parents adored me, and I adored them back. I had the typical, perfect childhood. Then three teenagers decided to get in a car drunk and ruin it. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The sun was shining, birds chirping. My family and I had just come from Six Flags. I was happy, content, and way too excited to sleep. Our dark blue minivan was cruising down the highway when a convertible filled with rich, spoilt, drunk kids rammed into a car. My mother and little sister were killed instantly. My dad was left in a body cast and eleven year old me was left with two broken legs and splitting migraines. My dad couldn't deal with losing my mom.  He took to drinking and would call me Riley, my mother's name. I was too deep in my grief to realize what was happening. I came home one day to my dad hanging from the ceiling fan. An eleven year old girl stopped smiling. 


   I jogged all the way to Barnes & Noble. My foster parents kept all the support checks that they received and spent it on different types of drugs and alcohol. I never under But the fucking foster system doesn't care.I'm just one kid to cross off their list. 

And so, I worked. I worked every day to make sure, I had food and water and clean clothes. 

It wasn't fair.

But maybe it was. Because even though my life had gone to hell, I had one light in the darkness. Adam Jackson.


Present Day

The water was frigid and I couldn't breathe. But I wasn't scared. I thought of all the people I had lost and that I was going to see. Just as I felt like my lungs were going to explode, I felt an arm tightly secure around my waist. Then a blanket of darkness embraced me.

When I awoke, darkness eluded my perfect vision. I heard the constant "beeping" of the hospital machines.

Auslly:Shattered- An Austin and Ally fanficWhere stories live. Discover now