Chapter 3 - Departure

Start from the beginning

I hear the front door close and I know he has left my house, it is just me and my mother now.

She blinks a few times in confusion and utter one word. "Willow?"

After I explain everything, all from my adventure in the forest- of course leaving out the fact that I was running in my wolf form scared Legion might be listening in on our conversation-, to Legion being the king and to the demand that I leave today with Legion, my mother has a slight melt down.

Since I can remember, it has just been me and her and the thought of leaving must be causing her just as much pain as it's causing me, but she explains to me that there's nothing she can do, against the royals we have no power, besides she underlines that he is my mate, as she explains that mates aren't a thing to take lightly.

She also tries to look at the bright side focussing on the fact that I did indeed have a mate which we never thought to be possible, but then she realizes the same thing as I did... that he must possess similar power as me and her face grows pale and her look becomes distant.

She looks like she's about to faint before she mutters that I must reject him. The word spoken ever so quietly is dangerous and in what feels like a heartbeat Legion is behind my mother with blackened eyes, but he's not alone. The four other wolves stand behind him, now in their human form.

"We are leaving now!" His voice is loud and clear. He walks past my mother again ignoring her cries and grabs my upper arm. And as he drags me out of my bedroom like some disobedient puppy, my mother hurries after us apologizing saying that she understands his reaction but she means nothing by it. She proclaims it is just a dramatic reaction as this is all confusing to her.

She tries to beg more but notices that he doesn't budge, as she does this I try to resist his hold but that doesn't budge either. I note that his hold is somehow tight enough to where I can't free myself but not so tight as to bruise me or hurt me, it's a fine balance that he manages to walk.

Once we are by the exit with no luck of convincing him to let me go my mother runs over and tries to peel his hands off my arm, his four men that were once behind us all like guards are now on my mother dragging her away and I yell. "STOP! PLEASE!" My voice must've sounded urgent or important enough to listen to as everyone stops dead in their tracks. "I'll go with you but please let me say a proper goodbye to my mother and I'll pack a bag." I urge looking pleadingly at Legion who is starring straight ahead.

He has a rage filled aura surrounding him as he stands there in silence and his men, who are still holding my mom in place await his answer. He takes a deep breath. "You have one hour." He hisses and lets go. His men let my mother go and follow shortly after.


Packing my bag feels surreal, like this is all just a bad dream. My mother cries as she helps me and tries to stay optimistic by explaining how a mate is truly a blessing even if it doesn't feel like it right now. She doesn't mention directly the danger I'm being put in, but she does remind me to wear my hood many times as a discreet warning to what we both know could be the death of me if discovered.

The rest of my packing is a blur, and at some point in that blur I finish my packing, hug my mother goodbye and cry while promising to see her again some day. She says a lot I don't hear but I try to find strength in me to flash her a reassuring smile whenever I can even through the tears. She walks me out where Legion is standing ready to depart. She hugs me one final time and whisper "I love you." I try to say it back but nothing come out but a pathetic broken sound, she hugs me even tighter in her embrace. "I know." Those are the last words she speaks as Legion takes my bag and pass it on to one of the men, then he places his hand on my lower back and guide me away from my home... My whole life... Everything I've ever known...

As we walk through the village for one last time we gain a lot of attention as expected. People are still whispering and many seems almost to be in awe by Legion. The crowd is filled with familiar faces I've known my whole life and I even spot Jasmine in the crowd. She's glaring daggers at me but it doesn't surprise me, just Jasmine being Jasmine.

I'll add her to the list of people I won't miss.

Just as I finish that thought I notice Aaron pushing his way through the mass of people, who are pretending to mind their business while making it obvious that they're not. I know he's here to say goodbye or protest or do some sort of thing that won't be appreciated by Legion so I try to shake my head at Aaron hoping he'll get my hint. He does not. He walks up to us and blocks our path. "Are you okay?" he insists.

Legions hand leaves my back as he steps in front of me. His men back him up by stepping a bit forward as well while still staying behind us both. "She is fine." He shoots back.

"I wasn't talking to you." Aaron is quick to snap.

My stomach drops. Bad idea.

Legion sighs. "Is that how you speak to your king?"

The crowd goes dead silent. So silent that if someone dropped a pin it could be heard.

My view is limited as I stand behind Legion, normally I would react more but my recent separation with my mother seems to have placed me in a numb state.

"My king please understand that my son is just worried for his friend." Another voice speaks up. I peak from behind Legion and see that it is Luna Elena. Behind her stands her very worried husband and pack Alpha.

"I do not care who is speaking, you will do it with respect." Legion speaks up again. I peak at Aaron as well and he's already looking at me.

"My son didn't realize he was speaking to the king, we apologize." Alpha Greg chimes in.

Luna Elena speaks again. "We are-"

She doesn't get to finish her sentence before Aaron interrupts again. "Let me speak to Willow."

I can practically feel the heat radiating off Legion as he closes his hands and before this escalates further I put my hand on his closed fist. The action gains his attention and he throws a side eye my way. I don't say anything but a fresh set of tears are streaming down my cheeks and I feel his hands loose their anger ever so slightly.

I take a chance and I walk past him with timid steps. Surprisingly he lets me and I take the opportunity to walk up to Aaron, pressing my luck further. Even more to my surprise he lets me but a feeling that doesn't belong to me tugs at my core. I ignore it and stop in front of Aaron.

"I'm okay." I lie. It's obvious but I try to hide my pain nonetheless.

Aarons lifts his hand to my face and I hear Legion sucking in air but instead of touching my face Aaron clasps a lock of my hair. "I know."

It's like he knows...

I start to bawl after his words are spoken and throw myself into his arms. It's unexpected for everyone including me and I allow myself to enjoy his embrace one last time. He holds onto me as if he'll never let go. But this is unfortunately not the case. Barely any time passes before I understand my action and I let go before Legion or his men have a chance to walk up to us.

I sniffle and return to Legion who appears to be fuming under his stoic expression, as a response to my action, but I keep my head down and prepare myself for him to grab my arm again upon my return, bracing for a grip rough enough to bruise me this time. But he does not. Instead he walks past me and says "let's go."

And we all follow. We follow until the village is nothing but a sand-corn in the distance between the trees of the deep forest. Back where it all started...


Here's yet another chapter! Hope it was just as great as the others (if you even thought that haha).

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Next chapter will be ready soon:)

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