Chapter 3

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Within intersection of path, I saw a village not far from us. Before continuing our journey, we decided to stop by the Village in order to buy Flare some clothes.

"Uncle? We are supposed to go that way!" Little Flare pointed towards the opposite direction.

"You need some clothes beside what you wearing, Flare. I also need a dagger."


We arrived in the Village, all the villagerd are nice and gave us a warm welcome. Right when we set foot in their Village, we are greeted with a smile.

"Hey! Are you a traveler?" A villager with a hoe in his shoulder asked.

"Yes. Is there any shop or blacksmith?"
I replied and at the same time asked.

"There is a shop, but there is no blacksmith." The Villager said. "If you looking for shop, it's three house away from here."

"Thank you."


As i opened the door, a sound of bell can be heard. At the same time, a lady appear.

"Welcome! What you were looking for?"
The same lady greeted me and Flare.

It's not a big neither small, enough room with a bunch of items to sell. Medicine, Food, Clothes and any other items. Perhaps they sell a maybe small dagger or knife.

"Do you have clothes in this girl size?" I asked.

"Yes we do! Please kindly wait, I'll pick them for you!" The same lady rushed towards another room.

"Just tell me if you need anything." I crouch and talked to Flare.

"N-nothing." Flare looked away from me.

Not long after that, the same lady earlier came to us with a few clothes.

"Go choose which one you like,Flare." I looked into Flare's face.

Right as i finished my words, Flare rushed towards the lady who served us. She then begin to looking at the clothes which the lady bring.

"Uncle! Can i have this?" Flare asked me while showing me the clothes she want.

I replied with a nodd, and that nodd gave Flare so much joy.

That same lady glanced at me, giving me a smile and asked me.

"Are you guys a traveler? Where are your destination?" She asked with a manner.

"The Kingdom near Illusion Forest." I replied.

"That's still far away! I suggest you to take a rest in this village! A journey to Stellar Kingdom would take days!"

"That's still far away! I suggest you to take a rest in this village! A journey to Stellar Kingdom would take days!"

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(Sorry if the map is bad, i drew it by myself)

"You need to go to Centaurus,it's shorter if you go there. Maybe it will cost you a day or two to go to Stellar."

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