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Brad's PoV


"Alright boss!"

Daniel is my favourite. Sorry, not sorry, but he is. He's chilled, he's hilarious, and he knows how to have fun. Sorry Lando, but you can have Marci!

"You still look tanned mate!" Daniel compliments me as we give each other a high five.

"It's the summer, what do you expect?" I pull up the sleeves of my hawaiian-style shirt over my shoulders, flexing my muscles as a joke. "Got to get the guns out."

"Alright show off, put them away." Daniel smirks, putting my arm down and rolling the sleeve back down. "Where's the other half of the duo?"

God knows where Marci is. Technically she's been written off this weekend by Ally, who's in a worse mood than she was in France. But, last time I checked in, Marci could get flights but not accommodation. I doubt she is here if she hasn't got anywhere to stay, but if she is then she's currently just wandering the streets of Budapest trying to find a place to stay! Or she might be back in the UK vandalising Ally's house in revenge, who knows.

"I don't know, it all went tits up after we left France." I explain to him, briefly looking around the Paddock in case Ally's nearby. "Did you not hear?"

"I know Lando and Marci are viral, but I don't know what happens on your side of it." Daniel takes off his cap to sort out his hair, only to slap it back on.

"Ally cancelled Marci's weekend." Daniel's eyes widen at the news. "The flights, the hotel, she took her parts out of the scripts as well."

"Fuck, that's not good." Daniel puts a hand over his mouth, looking slightly shocked. "So she's not here?" 

I sigh through my nose, searching around the room of orange-clothed staff members and the occasional outsider. There's far too many people here, someone will hear us and snitch straight away. I don't know if there's anywhere private, but we're about to find out! I nod my head sideways for Daniel to follow me, which feels criminal considering he's in such a higher position than I am. I go straight to the motorhome, finding a tiny office that hasn't been properly finished yet. This will do, hopefully no one brings anything in?

"Sorry about kidnapping you, don't want my lovely boss seeing me gossiping." I apologise, making my sarcasm clear as day. "I don't know whether Marci is here or not."

"What?" Daniel asks, frowning at me. "What do you mean?"

"She managed to find flights, but she didn't say anything about a hotel, so I don't know." I keep my voice down, locking the door behind me. "She might be here, she might not?"

"What are you going to do if she is here?" Daniel continues to interrogate me. "Are you going to film with her?"

I haven't even thought about that. Shit, was I meant to find someone to film with? No, that's not my job. Oh God, don't tell me Ally is going to do it? Maybe Kate? Either way, that wasn't the main plan if Marci was able to get here. The only reason she's coming is to talk to Lando and get it sorted before Ally takes matters into her own hands. I'm sure we both trust Charlotte and what she can do on her behalf, but Ally's contribution will have a bigger impact on our careers that Charlotte's contribution.

helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu