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"Max, Max!" I spot Lando's friend getting closer with Sephy. "Have you seen Lando?"

"No, sorry." Max dismisses me, clearly too interested in the model to give me any time.

"Thanks." I mutter, shaking my head and starting to walk away.

"Wait- actually!" I spin around as Max calls me again. "Check the top deck, I think I saw him go there with the other Max."

"Thank you!" I give him a smile, actually appreciating his second answer.

Top deck? How the hell do you even get there? Finding the toilet was a nightmare, how am I going to find the top deck?! I go inside the yacht, where the music is quieter and there's fewer people around. I search for a way up, only finding a ladder with cushioned steps. God, you know this boat is expensive when a ladder has cushioned steps. I sigh, making my way up a few steps and poking my head up.

I can hear Lando and Max's voice; Max's voice is hushed, whilst Lando sounds distressed. The entire room is open, with spotless glass all the way around to keep the outside world out. I take a deep breath, making my way up the ladder. The boys fall silent as they notice me, looking over as I finally get to the top. Nothing like knowing your presence can make a room fall silent, right?

"Hey, am I interrupting anything?" I awkwardly ask, already knowing the answer.

"No, it's ok." Max shakes his head, standing up and grabbing his sunglasses next to him. "Do you want a minute?"

"Yes, if that's alright?" I ask, relieved that Max isn't as hopeless as I am. "Sorry."

"No, don't worry about it." Max leans in closer to me so Lando can't hear. "He's not mad, don't worry about it too much, ok?"

I give him another nod to say thank you, stepping to the side so he can get to the ladder. Lando sits alone on the white sofa, looking out at the horizon as the sun finally sets. I awkwardly walk over to him, and he looks up once I'm stood in front of him.

"You ok?" I ask, not really sure what I should say.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nods, looking at the sea again.

"Are you sure?" I ask, tilting my head a little.

"Mhmm." He lies, again. "Did you have fun with Charles?"

"It wasn't anything like that, trust me." I try to reassure him, reaching to put a hand on his shoulder.

"It looked like something like that." He looks back up to me, still upset. "Why did you jump with him?"

"Because Sephy wouldn't do it, apparently she can't swim." I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I would've done it with you, but you had just jumped with Max."

"Yeah, that was cold." Lando mumbles, sorting out his hair as it starts to dry off.

"Oh my God, don't remind me of it." I mutter, causing Lando to laugh. "But nothing's going to happen between me and Charles, I promise."

Lando exhales out his nose as I take a seat next to him, wrapping an arm around his front and leaning my head on him. Both of us are starting to dry off, shivering a little as the warmth is starting to disappear. You can feel the bass of the music outside, but not quite the actual song its self. There's no sign of the party ending soon, but more and more cameras are going away as the sky steals away their spotlight on us.

I don't think Lando is convinced. He's still quiet. I know he isn't going to change his attitude right away, but you'd like to think he'd brighten up a bit. There's still a party going on down there, he can't stay up here forever?

helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now