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Bang bang bang!

My soul leaves my body as someone attempts to pummel down mine and Brad's door. If we weren't already awake and talking through today's schedule, the potential robber definitely would've woken us. I frown at the door, then give a judgemental look to Brad. I'm glad he's pulling the same face as me! Apparently, the visitor- or a bulldozer, I can't tell- doesn't come with patience, as they 'knock' on the door again and shake the whole room once again!

"Morning." Brad says briefly as he opens the door for Ally. "Stressed?"

"Yeah, can you tell?" She says, sounding out of breath.

"No, but the door can." Brad replies as our boss lets herself into the room.

For once, my boss doesn't look composed. It's been a rough weekend for all the staff- and the drivers- at McLaren. Ally herself looks put together in one of her usual suits, but you can see that her head is running wild. She drapes some clothes over her lower arm, like waiters do with tea towels and napkins. They do not look like her style at all; Ally only wears neutral colours, apart from the odd few pastel colours every now and then. The outfit over her arm is bright orange, with little hint of white. In her other hand is a pair of pretty silver heels.

"Marci, this is for you." Ally informs me shortly, taking the clothes off her arm and leaving them folded on the tiny table filled with Brad's tech stuff.

"It's bright orange." I state, giving it a grimacing look.

"It is, well done."

She's clearly not connected her filter to her mouth this morning, sarcastic b*tch.

"Do I have to wear it?" I sigh, standing next to her and looking at the outfit. "It's long sleeved, and there's a heatwave outside?"

"What do you expect when you have this?"

Ally grabs my wrist and holds it up, showing my tattoo right to her face. She's already let me know that she's seen it, I don't need her telling me off like a child! I roll my eyes, pulling my arm out of her grip. She didn't grab me violently, I'll let her off this time just because she does genuinely look like she's drowning in stress.

"I know how badly you wanted to get back into this job, I'm just trying to help you keep it." Ally tells me in a caring tone.

"It's a bit difficult to keep my job when I've been given a different one for the weekend." I fight back, picking up the outfit on the table.

"Oh! I need to talk to you about that at some point, probably next week when there's no race." Ally exclaims, another thing to put on her mind.

"Marci's about to get fired." Brad teases, crossing his arms.

"That would be evil, after what she just told me." I chuckle, glancing in-between them.

"Well, it's nothing I'm not capable of." Mine and Brad's face drops. "I'm joking, I'm already a team member down, I don't need to lose another."

She's so not funny! I mean, she is, but she doesn't have to give me a heart attack! Me and Brad need to make a pact to stress Ally out more often, it takes away the stupid 24/7 professional attitude she slaps on her face all the time. Ally looks at her phone, mumbling to herself before slipping it back into her pocket and clapping her hands.

"Right, I need to go and meet someone now." Ally thinks out loud. "Goodluck today you two, I'll see you out and around!"


"See ya."

We watch Ally walk out the door in a world of her own, then both give each other 'the look' before bursting into laughter. Neither of us have seen Ally go through all those emotions in the small space of time she's been here today, and it was definitely the better version of her!

helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя