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"Ladies and gentleman, it is 4:30pm and we are half an hour away from qualifying!"

After my mini break with Lando- and failing miserably to escape from an embarrassing situation- I'm back on camera! I'm feeling a lot more confident after our chat, even though I still have no idea what I'm doing. But! On the plus side! I think I'm starting to enjoy this a little bit more than my actual job? Creating posts and 2 minute videos to post online whilst cooped up in my tiny office can get so dull, but with this job I'm always out and about and kept on my toes. The only thing I've got to get used to is being surrounded by workers, drivers and fans hustling and bustling around me. Oh, and having to actually get ready into something good looking rather than a tracksuit.

Me and Brad position ourselves on the track with a couple of minutes to spare before qualifying starts. With the Red Bull Grandstand behind us, the hysterical fans really highlight how crazy some weekends can be! Standing on the track feels incredible, with the gentle breeze flowing around us and taking that scorching heat down a notch. Like I said before, I really could get used to this! If the public reacts how Ally wants them too, maybe she'll keep me on board? I won't get my hopes up too soon though.

"Our drivers are ready out in the pits after a tough first practice." I explain, freeing up my hands a little like Brad talked me through. "But, even after a few technical difficulties, and practice cut short, Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris are back and ready to go!"

As if on cue, the stand behind me randomly erupts into cheering, clapping and whistling. The one thing I didn't read about it where the fans go based on their team; is that Red Bull fans behind me, or McLaren fans? Either way, their noise sent sparks of adrenaline and thrill through my body, pushing me to carry on with the video.

"Well, our drivers are ready, the track is ready, and the pit crew are ready." I hold my hands together, slowly walking towards the camera and angling my body so Brad can see past and to the crowd. "But, are our spectators ready?!"

The crowd erupts into chaotic roaring and screaming; I step to the side as Brad rushes forward with the camera, pointing it at them whilst I stand behind him. My smile beams brighter than the day, the sunlight is probably reflecting off of my teeth and blinding the crowd! Brad stops recording, bringing the camera off of his shoulder and waving to the crowd as we make our way off of the track.

"I am so PUMPED!" Brad shouts the last bit, balling his free hand into a fist as he does so. "I'm not even racing and I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls!"

"I'm nervous, I don't get what you're so excited for!" I explain, brushing some hair off my face as the wind picks up. "Both of their cars were retired during practice, they can't retire in qualifying!"

"They've got this, 100%." Brad shakes off my concerns, waving me away. "I can feel it in my bones, Daniel and Lando are going to kick ass."

"Lando wasn't confident when I was with him earlier, he's convinced he'll go out in Q1." I look down at my shoe laces as they started to feel slightly loose.

"He won't, he rarely does that." Brad dismisses the thought entirely. "Anyway, what were you smiling about when you left Lando's place yesterday?"

"Sorry?" I splutter, totally caught off guard.

"I was going past when I saw you leave, you were both smiling like it was nobody's business." Brad continues. "What were you doing for so long?"

"I don't know, I was just talking to him?" I mutter.

I totally forgot to leave Lando's bus without being seen! Shit!

"So, 'just talking' turned that man from absolutely miserable to drop dead happy?" Brad scoffs, raising an eyebrow at me. "You're not telling me something."

helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now