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The next morning, I'm woken up early by Lando's alarm. It feels like only my mind has woken up, because the rest of my body feels heavy. As if it's telling me not to move and find out where the racket is coming from. A low groan comes from behind me, followed by an impatient and forceful tap on his phone to turn off the alarm.

Oh my God. I'm still in Lando's hotel room. Memories from last night start to flash back, right from where it started in the restaurant to where it ended in... well, you know where. I look down at myself, seeing Lando's arm wrapped around my waist as we both cuddle tightly together. My bottom half is only covered by underwear, and the only thing covering him is his boxers. Not even the duvet hides our bodies as the humidity of mid-summer France warms us up from outside.

"What's the time?" I ask, snuggling into the pillows with zero urgency to get up.

"I don't know." Lando yawns, reaching for his phone on the bedside cabinet. "It's 10."

"10!" I gasp, jumping out of bed and trying to cover myself with my hands. "I'm meant to be at the Paddock, shit!"

I search around the floor for my clothes, which are crumpled in the corner. I'm going to look a state leaving this hotel room, I hope there's no cameras waiting for the drivers. I hope there's no drivers! Not after everything that happened last night.

I rush into the bathroom to sort out what I can, but I stop in the doorway. Everything is soaked. The shower door is still wide open, the cold water droplets creating a little puddle underneath it. The steam on the mirror has also turned into water, leaving dotted condensation all over it. The rest of our clothes lay like scraps on the tiles, soaking up some of the water as the bath mat is sodden. The hairs on my arms prickle and stand up, even more memories infiltrating into my head. How am I going to stay focussed today?

I do what I can to look as decent as possible. I have to plait my hair into Dutch braids as it got soaked last night and I didn't bother drying it properly. Then- much to my dread- I have to wear some of Lando's clothes as mine are drenched, or in an absolute state.

"Well, thanks for letting me stay." I nod, sorting out my jeans whilst Lando opens the hotel door for me.

"Glad you're feeling better." Lando replies, looking to me with a smirk. "Happy to help any time."

I chew my lip, trying to ignore his cheekiness. What happened last night will never happen again. Not whilst on our weekends at least, it's too risky. Getting into Lando's hotel room was pot luck, even though it took a mental breakdown to get in there.

"Right, I really do need to go." I tell him, hopping on the spot. "I'm meant to be going over scripts right now."

"Yeah, right." Lando nods, opening the door for me. "See you later."

We both lean in and give each other a small peck, then I give him a wave as I dash out the door.



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helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن