[24] adDRESS me

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"So let me get this straight," my mom began while sitting on the loft's couch on Saturday. "You and Andrew are dodging Malcolm's calls even though he has well-justified concern...Trey has assured his pack won't do anything because they just want to move, but his son is a loose cannon, along with Meena for that matter because–let's be real, what girl wouldn't be mad at what Andrew did...Zander's random inability to shift was cured three days ago when his ex showed up–who I guess fled as soon as he did because she hasn't been seen since...All that is going on and you're still calmly getting ready for prom?"

"I mean, I wouldn't consider it calm considering I think my bracelet is stuck in my hair, but yes," I replied, causing her to sigh pathetically and get up to help me in the bathroom because I had been silently struggling for a few minutes. She freed me after a moment and I faced her. "A friend just gave the middle finger to all of the supernatural stuff even though she's a witch and honestly...I don't blame her. Malcolm can adjust to his new leadership, Trey can control his son or deal with whatever consequences he receives for him aggressing against any of us, and Zander will...keep Zander-ing no matter what we do. I just want to enjoy tonight with my boyfriend and my friends and not have werewolf responsibilities for once."

I realized how ridiculous I sounded, but I was going to milk as much denial I could muster before it became a problem. I didn't want to actualize how tonight would go because it was inevitable. I had talked to Dakota yesterday and he thought the same as me. As much as I knew Ryder would fawn over how beautiful I was and act like he owed me a normal night, his mind would be racing. Andrew, if he even showed up, would split his thoughts half with the affairs of Tyriette and half with whatever final exams Dezi was studying for in Dallas. Meena, usually loud, had been quiet at school since the breakup so maybe she'd choose tonight to make a scene if invited. Shana would be bringing Lee as her date and he'd be moving about the perimeter of the room, watching us and avoiding any interaction with Shana's bestie Stella and her vampiric boyfriend Trevor. Aaron would still be wishing he was Stormy's boyfriend regardless if she was in attendance or not. Jack Willis would be spiking the punch. Colin probably wouldn't show up. I was confident that I could predict everyone's behavior by now.

"And how's that going...?" she asked with a peculiar melody in her voice. "You and your boyfriend, I mean," she teased.

"We're good," I smiled as usual even though my stomach fluttered due to the gross underestimation. "We haven't actually been 'bad' for a long time. After everything from last year I think we both learned not to drag the werewolf drama into our relationship and it's served us well."

She smiled proudly like a mom genuinely enthralled with her daughter's happiness, but also not too enthralled to give the blanketed greenlight to Ryder either to dilute any protectiveness.

"I never actually asked, but how did he handle the Malcolm thing?" she questioned and I had to assume she meant Ryder being challenged by someone else in the picture. I wasn't going to be the one to tell her Milkner had kissed me but she did know the basis of everything else.

"In his paraphrased words, he doesn't feel jealous because he knows Malcolm doesn't mean anything romantically to me and he doesn't feel threatened because he's secure in us and trusts me," I replied, receiving nods that didn't seem convinced. "He's cordial enough to have an alliance with him that's strictly business but it's not like he has any intention on being friends with him outside of that."

"And you're okay with that?" she wondered. Why did I feel like she was trying to hint at something?

"Yes because honestly being with Ryder made me forget about how close Malcolm and I were in the first place anyways–what are you getting at?" I interrupted myself. She paused and I watched her eyes tick to the side as if she was choosing whether or not to lie or be truthful.

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