[9] Lycan Royalty

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Due to the obvious concerns after encountering the Kόryos, Carina understood why Ryder nor Andrew were too keen on going out with strangers anymore, especially with this concentration of werewolves. Yet, they felt secure enough within their own control to bring Carina and Darrensbourg—also known as Callie—back to our villa.

Without Trevor. It didn't matter that we explained how he was a half-vampire with a still beating heart and without a drop of consumed human blood. Carina was adamant on not having him around and, considering who her brother was, we weren't keen on denying her.

"Do you usually travel with a leashed vampire?" Callie Darrensbourg asked after Trevor and Stella officially left out the front door. They had traveled back separately and got here at least an hour after us. Stella just needed to change out of her beachwear before they went out to waste time. The rest of us got acquainted more with our guests and I noticed their disdain for Trevor more and more after Carina requested Trevor's absence. Ryder and Colin didn't mind it, but Andrew and I were starting to wonder about the origin of such distrust.

"Why? You scared?" Colin teased, nudging Callie from behind while sliding a beer into her hand. The only impressions stronger than the newcomers' hatred for vampires was Callie and Colin's attraction to one another. It almost seemed...familiar. "Don't worry. I'll protect you," he whispered in her ear with his empty hand daring to play at her waist.

"I can protect myself," Callie giggled with a smirk etching its way on her face that challenged the power of Colin's. "Let's see what else you can take care of though." She quickly turned in Colin's arms, slipped a hand around his wrist and pulled him away. Even though the layout put them out of sight, I could hear their feet hop up the stairs.

"A few years ago, a vampire kidnapped me and some friends of mine which resulted in the death of my sister-in-law," Carina suddenly revealed with an elevation of her chin despite her friend leaving with ours.

"I heard about that," Dezi muttered, concern painted on her face.

"What happened?" Dakota wondered. Of everyone here, he was the most at ease with the newcomers. Ryder and Andrew stayed anxious. Colin was enamored with Callie. Trevor (and Stella by extension) was excluded. And I...I was just curious and apprehensive to it all.

"Um the first time, it was because he was trying to flush out our alpha but we escaped—one of them was Wes' mate who was captured again, the other was Jaylen who died from intercepting hunters. I somehow managed to find my way home. The second time, it was my brother's mate kidnapped which was a huge mistake. They both got rescued but Riley Sean the vampire still got free even after his accomplice was killed by one of us. Riley was just sentenced to death a couple years ago once there was a warrant for him for his continued scheming against both Lycan and Vampyr conducts."

"Oh my god. You know my side of the family's been aloof for obvious reasons but I'm so sorry that happened to—"

"What do you mean by him trying to 'flush out' your alpha?" was all Ryder asked over Dezi's condolences. He was sitting on the back and arm of the couch to my side with his arms crossed and hadn't said much until this moment. "An alpha is an alpha. Why would anyone have to scheme to figure out something so obvious?"

"New England packs run differently than those of the south or west," Carina shrugged. "Our pack leaderships are transient and shift as life does while our allegiance remains. We're much more liberal because we have more Bitten-born needing surrogate homes than bloodlines looking for a legacy. That being said, it's to our advantage to be that way when we have enemies trying to find a source of power or weaknesses and don't know where to go."

"Sounds like vague leadership," Andrew grumbled beneath his breath, and I had to agree.

"Is that why your family's been plagued with a vampire problem?" Ryder asked as if he was offended more than curious. And I knew he was. So did Carina. She implied weaknesses in our packs' inherent structures.

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