[23] Catching Z's

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"A bloodline werewolf who randomly can't phase out of nowhere? No, I've never heard of that," my mom told us from the couch. Andrew and I were sitting across from each other with journals and books and archives of the Everton Pack that went centuries. What did it mean that Zander couldn't phase? Especially on the first night of a full moon? How is that even possible? It's not like he had a Maker to kill to take his lycanthropy away.

"Maybe he killed some Kóryos and Fate decided to give one of them his shifting ability in exchange," Andrew grumbled. I just stared. "I haven't talked to Milkner since Monday but I can ask if he's noticed any recently shifting brothers of his–"

"That's not funny," I commented when I figured out he was hyperbolically joking.

"But unfortunately, it is logical and it would be poetic justice," Andrew commented while hopping up. He wasn't exactly wrong. We had learned two more Kóryos hunters had died while in the hospital: one of them from respiratory distress after being on a ventilator due to smoke-induced lung damage and one from a lethal Pseudomonas bacterial infection that led to sepsis. The authorities were still adamant on Airbud's roommate taking his anti-anxiety meds, drowned by the coffee/vodka mixture in his mug on his desk, and forgetting a candle was lit.

Milkner had been calling seemingly every hour once he knew about the new deaths. Andrew kept dodging his calls because we were in school and because he didn't know how many ways he could say "We don't have any more leads for you" so Milkner would understand.

"This might be a long shot but what does Ryder think?" Natalie asked. I bit the inside of my lip and contained my need to roll my eyes.

"He finally agrees that Zander's being weird," I said unhelpfully. Zander wasn't home when Ryder got home on Monday night. By the morning, he was back and Ryder tried talking to him but Zander couldn't remain awake or coherent enough. When Ryder got home from school or I guess home from meeting with me and my pack, Zander was gone again. And then today, it was the same thing. He couldn't be aroused easily and was basically regarded as nocturnal as far as I was concerned. However, when Merida had texted Ryder concerned about Zander, Ryder had rushed home. I hadn't heard from him since. "Actually, by now, he should know something so maybe I should call–"

Again, Fate flexed and my phone rang.

"Hey," I greeted Ryder.

"He didn't do it," I heard. I frowned in confusion even though I could take a few guesses of what he was alluding to. I put the phone on speaker even though the room of werewolves could've heard the regular volume just as easily. "Zander has no idea about who could've set that fire."

"Okay but did you ask him that or–"

"I Commanded him to tell me everything he knew!" he revealed, causing me and Andrew's hearts to both speed up. I couldn't tell if Ryder's voice was angry or anxious or accusatory. "He said he probably thought it was another pack because if they had lured us there over spring break then they might've done the same to someone else who got pissed off. Colin thinks he could be right but no one's owned up to it in the Lycan community that Callie knows of."

I scoffed in disbelief even though a vengeful, retaliating werewolf who had killed for revenge sat in the same room as me at the moment. "But I heard him on the phone."

"On what call, Ashlynn?" he asked. "I told him I overheard him that night before he snuck out and he said he didn't talk to anyone on the phone that night other than me, Mom and Wes Knight who I called from his phone to see if he had any information when we found out about the fire. I even checked his call history and there was nothing."

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