[14] Silver-Tongued Uranium

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"The night I called you was a week after they had confirmed who I was and started my training," Milkner continued. "I didn't reach out anymore because it was all a secret. We obviously weren't allowed to tell people we were training to hunt supernatural creatures. We had to learn about the bloodline families and the packs and covens and clans in our area, which included your family." His crystal eyes were nothing but pure as they bore into mine. "I made zero indication that I knew you or Andrew were werewolves even after they told me about Albert's murder. I didn't even think you knew. But when I heard the rumors about Andrew being alive, I knew he must've shifted. By then, I really had to cut all ties no matter what. So I did."

"So why invite us to your party? You could've just walked past us and ignored us or at the very least say hi and leave it at that."

"Because I missed you," he blurted out. "Andrew was my best friend. And you...even though I obviously knew you and Ryder were a thing, I missed you, Ash. You know that. But then the training got to me and I knew all that I did and I told some of my brothers I knew you all–"

"You could've gotten us killed!"

"I told you we're changing!" he reminded me with a volume change that rivaled my own. He instantly calmed down and I could see that his apparent hunter training had given the usually-impulsive boy some restraint. "Stay neutral in Florida, spare True Alphas and their packs, and honor the Evertons. That's all we've been preaching for decades to win back higher magic and be honored in return. So I saw an opportunity as soon as I saw you all and so did my brothers."

I instantly stood up from the bench in alarm. "Meaning what? Now that you're out of Florida, you can do as you please? Kill a True Alpha and an Everton perhaps?" I could feel my heart thumping and knew Ryder must've heard it too. Ryder...what did this all mean if Ryder was inviting him here? Milkner wasn't a liar so he must've told him the same thing. I just just wasn't understanding correctly. This wasn't a gamble Ryder would make.

Milkner stood up angrily and offensively that I would accuse him of such treachery to our friendship. "We stayed neutral in Florida despite five werewolves and a vampire being in our house. I didn't retaliate on a True Alpha or any of his pack members no matter how much I hated that he has you or that his beta was hitting on any of the pledges too stupid enough to figure him out–in fact, now I'm allied with them. I was friends with Andrew for years and we all know I'd worship the ground you walked on if it was possible yet I settled with dedicating my training and my service to Albert's murder instead. Neutrality. Sparing. Honoring Evertons," he listed. "And we were informed that last year the Everton blade was used to kill an unworthy werewolf and an Everton killed an enemy. That sounds like a recipe for breaking our curse with all but one ingredient."

"And what would that last ingredient be for your oh so ethical intentions?" I asked sarcastically, crossing my arms.

"Actually killing supernatural beings who deserve it," he answered. I should've continued being alarmed but I knew where this was going and I wasn't the target, "...which, according to your boyfriend, is something this town might be needing sooner rather than later but all he wanted to do was scare 'em a little bit."

"Well I think he's mistaken," I revealed, which might be naive considering I didn't think twenty steps ahead like Ryder or Andew. "I think all it's gonna do is put everyone even more on edge and do something stupid. The Leonards weren't even going to retaliate just like they haven't for their whole time being here but now? Who knows?"

"Everyone knows the Leonards are scared of hunters and vampires."

"Well all we have is a half-vampire pacifist and a hunter leaving town tomorrow so where does that leave us?"

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