6: Safe and Sound

Start from the beginning

"She's scared," I continued to cry as Arizona held me, Callie walking us over to some chairs.

"I know, but she's gonna be alright. It's a good thing you were here," Callie said. "You're gonna be an amazing mom," she whispered with a smile.

I smiled back.

"Alright," I said, taking a deep breath in and standing up. "I've got to make some calls and then you guys can find me upstairs."

"Ok, I'll be in in a bit to put the cast on," Callie replied.

"And I'll be in later too to check in," Arizona replied.

I smiled back, heading for the phone to call Amy and Joanna.

Clara POV:

As soon as the nurse left me in my room, my thoughts began to swirl.

Addie will be right back. She promised, I tried to remind myself.

I missed Cora. I wish she was here. My arm hurts. Where was Josh? What would happen to him? I wonder why he was lying to all his friends. I hope he's okay. But what if he comes back?

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock at the door.

"Clara, It's Addison," she said through the door.

"Come in," I said quietly, feeling very relieved. Although, I wasn't sure why.

She walked in the room smiling, although I could tell by her red eyes that she had been crying. I decided not to mention it. She was also holding some flowers, along with a purple fluffy blanket and a small pink bear.

"These are for you," she smiled, handing me the blanket and bear and placing the flowers on the side table. They were daisies: my favorite flower. "We can't have it looking too blue in here now can we?" she said, gesturing to the plain blue and white walls.

She pulled up a chair to sit by me.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. "Are you in pain?"

"Yea, but only a little bit," I lied, not wanting to be a bother.

"Ok, let me know if it gets worse okay?" she asked, holding my hand. "I can go get you some food too whenever you want it."

"Thanks," I said quietly. I didn't really know what to say. I wasn't used to someone caring like this before. At least not anyone except for Cora.

"So, I talked to Joanna over the phone," Addison said, as if reading my mind. "She's going to come visit you tomorrow morning. She'll bring Cora with her."

I smiled, excited to see Cora. I stayed silent for a moment, wanting to ask questions but not wanting to voice them.

"So uh, did Joanna say anything about Josh?" I asked quietly, looking down. Addison looked down too.

"Yea," she said, pausing for a moment. "She said he came home pretty upset. He told her what he did. She was very worried about you, but didn't know who to call to find out where you were," she explained.

"What's gonna happen to him?" I asked.

"Joanna said that he's gonna go somewhere where he can get help. He'll be far away from you," she assured.

"Okay," I said, not really wanting to talk more about it just yet.

A few minutes later, Dr. Torres walked in, followed by Dr. Robbins.

"Hey Clara, how are you feeling?" Dr. Torres asked.

"A little tired," I replied honestly. It was getting late- almost 8:30.

"Alright, well this should be quick. I just have to put a cast on your arm so it stays protected. Andddd you get to pick your color," she said smiling. "What's your favorite?"

"Pink," I said smiling.

"Niceeee," she replied, setting up her supplies on her cart while Dr. Robbins pulled up two chairs.

"How are you doing, Addison," Dr. Robbins asked, smiling.

"I'm doing good now," she smiled back.

"Okay, so I'm gonna wrap some padding around your arm and then put on your super snazzy pink cast, okay?" Dr. Torres said, starting on the cast.

"Ok," I replied. "So, are you three all friends?" I asked, slowly getting the impression that they were all close.

"Yes," Dr. Torres said, laughing a bit. "Dr. Robbins and I are married and we are both very good friends with Addison."

"Sooo what are your real names?" I asked, while Dr. Torres finished up with the cast. "Like your non-doctor real life names."

Dr. Torres and Dr. Robbins laughed.

"I'm Callie and this is Arizona," Dr. Torres/Callie said gesturing to Dr. Robbins. "Has Addison talked about us?" she asked, laughing a bit. I laughed too, dwelling on my new found information.

"Yea actually," I smirked.

"Oh do tell!" Arizona laughed, looking over at Addison.

"Well, she was telling me about how she is a terrible cook, so we will all have to get together some time and Callie can cook us something that's actually edible- whatever that means," I explained, not really understanding Addison's exact words.

All three women immediately started laughing.

"Well Clara," Callie laughed, "Addison is definitely being honest that's for sure!"

"Heyy it could be worse!" Addison defended, putting her hands up.

"She also said that you have a daughter that's around my age," I continued.

"Yea we do," Dr. Robbins replied. "Sofia would love to meet you."

'We'll have to arrange that sometime soon," Addison smiled. I smiled too.

"Alright, we'll see you in the morning Clara," Dr. Robbins said, getting up to leave the room with Dr. Torres.

"Goodnight," I smiled.

"Does that TV really work?" I asked Addison once the doctors had left, feeling a little bit more comfortable around everyone now.

"Yea," Addison smiled. "Wanna watch something?"

"Tangled please," I replied, not even having to think about it. It has always been my favorite movie. Cora and I had watched it together dozens of times.

"Tangled it is," she replied, grabbing the remote to fiddle with the channels.

Addison POV:

"So, do I still get to have my visit with you on Tuesday?" Clara asked as I was looking for the movie.

I smiled back at her, silently overjoyed that she seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Of course we can. As long as you're feeling up to it. We can take this at your own pace," I replied, not wanting to push her into anything she didn't want to do.

"Yes," she replied quickly. "I want to. Uh- where are we gonna go?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe I could show you around my house. You could meet my sister Amelia and then we could go watch the sunset by the water. I know you loved the water last time," I smiled, remembering my first ever memory with the girl. "What do you think?"

She simply smiled and nodded. I could tell it was genuine. She was so cute when she smiled. Her left eye would go all small.

I got the movie on and laid back in my chair, allowing myself to truly relax for the first time in the past few hours. As unconventional as it was, this moment was peaceful. I was at peace just sitting with her and watching her smile.

She was asleep in no time. I allowed my eyes to close, and was asleep not long after her. I guess I felt comfort being in her presence as much as she seemed to feel in mine.

A/N: A bit of a longer chapter for you guys, with a little bit of a happy ending (; I have to say I definitely enjoyed writing this one! I love hearing what you guys have to say about the story. I hope you are all doing well! See ya in the next update 😄

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