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A certain person softly laughed, looking at her screen, seeing all the notifications that have piled up while she was dealing with hel- I mean, school.

She sighed, leaning back on the couch. "What do I do? Should I upload a chapter? I only have one prepared tho..."

"Why not make an omake?" Said a figure as it walked up to her and sat, his white cape draping over the couch.

"Ah, I guess I could do that, but I don't exactly know what to do in an omake..." She explained, looking at the calendar, "It's past April 1, so I missed my chance to do an April Fool's Omake."

"Why not make it a coded omake then?" Butted in another figure from a swirling green portal, "It would be fun to see them try to crack the codes!" They grinned, she couldn't see because of the cyber glasses, but she knew those eyes were full of mischievousness with the idea.

"Now c'mon, that's cruel you know." Replied the figure beside her, crossing their arms at the idea. "Awwweee but it'll be fun~!" Pressed the other.

"No, it won't be." Replied the older figure, pushing the other back to the swirling portal. "Im still debating whether or not to use Route 2 for this fanfic." The girl said, catching the attention of the older beside her.

"I'm sure it'll be fun, and just do what you want Author-chan since it's your work and fanfic, let people read and like your story how you want it to turn out to be."

"Hmm..." The girl, Author-san, contemplated. "I guess I really should add you to every route." She said.

"It would be my pleasure to be part of any route you'd want the story to continue." The other replied, putting a hand on his chest and slightly bowing.

Author-san smiled and looked at the TV screen, which showed the stories that were on hold, as it glitches to the near and far future, showing multiple figures that were the same yet so different for a few blinks before going back to the present. "It would make the story long if I make an arc for every dimension they travel." She said out loud in thought.

The man shrugged and relaxed. "Make it short then, especially the heat dimension..." They mumbled, shivering in fear at the word 'heat', causing the girl beside him to laugh. "I will, I will~"

"Also don't forget the original books you're hoping to upload, you have almost 15 drafts, you know."

"14 book idea drafts and another fanfic." She confirmed, making the other nod, "Yea, you need to work on those."

"I am~," She said, finishing the Omake. Whether or not it was an actual Omake, she at least made something that was both informing the readers she will start writing now again and that she was planning on uploading original books.

"Welp! Thats all for this, and oohhh~ Almost five hundred words, half the number of words I make per chapter!"

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