Nine... Aight...

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 " Oi! Damn Nerds! Where the hell were you two! The extras are looking for you, and here you are enjoying yourselves Hah?!" Katsuki said, marching forward the two. " Well, it is lunchtime, so why can't we?"

" Why can't you? Cause you fucking kidnapped this idiot! Damnit! Oi! Deku!" Whatever he was about to say disappeared from his mind when he saw tears coming down. Izuku noticed and quickly wiped his tears away.

" Is something wrong, Kacchan?" ignoring him. Katsuki stands in front of Izuku and doesn't say anything.

" Leave us alone for a minute, Extra!" Katsuki said, interrupting Deku, who was about to speak. He looked at Izuku then back to him. " No."

" Hah?!" Katsuki said, turning away from Izuku and glaring at Deku, who pushed him away from the other. " I'm not leaving myself with some angry and explosive pomeranian."

" What did ya' say, Nerd?!" Izuku cowered, but Deku stood still, holding his ground. " You heard me, dog." He mocked. " Why you-"

" Enough!" Aizawa appeared, looking more annoyed and mad than usual. Look like someone's nap was interrupted. Deku thought.

" Deku, refrain from disappearing and taking problem child with you, and from now, on you are not allowed to go anywhere without a third party, got it?"

" Yes, sensei/Right." Answered both green-haired at the same time.

" And Bakugo, I understand your concern, but next time don't go off using your quirk on crowds." Aizawa scolded. " You could have hurt other students."

" Tch." Katsuki simply looked away, avoiding Izuku's shocked and confused face. Why was he hurrying in looking for me? And Kacchan was concerned??

" Now go back to class and join the others in the cafeteria," Aizawa said, opening the door and ushering them to go in. They complied, Aizawa escorted them from behind, with Katsuki on the front, leaving the 2 greenetes in the middle. Deku looked at Izuku, remembering his words," BUT I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT! BECAUSE I AM HERE TO CHANGE THAT! I'LL PROVE TO EVERYONE HOW WRONG THEY WERE! AND I'LL PROTECT ANYONE ELSE FROM GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING AS ME!!"

The sound of their footsteps echoed at the quiet stairwell. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain Izuku... And with that determination, it won't be long till that day comes.


Class 1-A bombarded them with questions, mostly Izuku. " Where did he take you?!", " Did he hurt you!?", " Midoriya, Are you okay?"

" Ha! Class 1-A can't even handle a single classmate from disappearing, while class 1-B can! We always know where the others are! And never panic when-" Momona desperately boasted but was chopped by Kendo, who bowed and apologized for it. " Does that mean they know when the girls are in the bathrooms?!-" And Mineta was cut off by Asui slapping him.

" I'm okay guys, by the way, have you guys eaten yet? Lunch ends in 5 minutes. " Realizing that fact, everyone disperses and starts eating, not one starting any conversation in hurriedness. Some however simply didn't eat or have already eaten at least a little.

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As Aizawa said, they were not allowed to go anywhere without a third party, hence why All Might is walking with them back to their building.

The walk was silent. Izuku tried to talk to All Might, but All Might refused to make eye contact and only nodded or shake his head, occasionally answering in words but short.

He left them alone when they reached their building. Izuku felt dejected by All Might's behavior, watching from the window as the 6 footer blonde disappeared. While Deku was internally grinning at how easy it was to make All Might doubt and distance himself from his successor, Oh how he would be proud of me~!. He thought. I should've left All Might alive for some time before killing him in my world if I knew it was this fun to toy people's minds!

Walking into the kitchen, he opened the fridge to examine the ingredients he could use for tonight's dinner. Seeing Salmon, he decided that dinner would be Teriyaki Salmon. Looking at the clock hanging above the calendar, reading it as 4:30. I'll start cooking at Six. Closing the fridge, he walked up to their room to change into more comfortable clothes. Checking Izuku's wardrobe, he frowned at almost every All Might Themed clothing.

He dug deeper from in the cabinet until he finally found a decent attire. A red elbow sleeve T-shirt accompanied with Black knee shorts. He went down and noticed Izuku struggling with their math homework and decided to tutor him. " You're wrong. You should apply Product Property of Exponent instead of Power of a Quotient."

" Huh? Oh! Your right! How did you know? You slept through class!" Izuku asked. " Simple, I'm smarter than you."

Izuku stared at him with a deadpan face. " What? It's true, anyway here, you should-" Deku continued, Izuku listening to Deku teach him.

Occasionally he would remember their discussion on the roof and how his face was so hard to read. He looked at him and saw the usual emotionless expression he seems to wear. Could he be feeling mad about that?

As Deku tutored him -Izuku noticed it was like a switch, suddenly switching from someone behave and aloof to a different person. Could he be Bipolar? Moody?

" I'm not. " Deku said looking at Izuku. " Huh?" Izuku looked up from the paper. " You were mumbling." Oh... OH! He heard me! He thought, covering his mouth to avoid spilling any more of his thoughts.

" I'm just behaving because even if I do escape UA, which I can most certainly do actually, I won't. Even if I wreak havoc, what good would it do if I'm just gonna go back after a month? I could tarnish your image, but we all know All Might won't let his quirk's vessel have that. After all, he aims it to be a power that would be used to save everyone when honestly it can't, it's just his Hero Complex talking..." But it's more because it would be easier for you to believe me if I act all nice and good to you after all. Deku thought.

" Oh," Izuku said, out of it. Thinking about Deku's words. " Anyway, what time is it? I should start cooking dinner... Here, do my homework." He said, standing up and tossing Izuku his book. " What, why?"

" I helped you do your homework, now do mine without my help. I'll check it after we eat." He said, walking to the kitchen. " You're such a Mom.." Izuku complained, opening Deku's book. " And you're the emotional teen." He retorted. " I'm a hero-in-training!"

" Do your homework. "

AN Chapter 8 and 9 were done on July 8, 2021. 4 days after Chapter 7?? And f8c)... I accidentally deleted the story timeline... NOT TO WORRY I HAVE A BACKUP!

... It's a little different...

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