First things first, I don't take titles seriously -except the Book title-

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Sunday, a day before hell starts again; Monday. Anyway! It's when people make the best of their remaining break time by doing whatever they want, sleep, play games, yell, pick arguments, or simply going out with friends.

Here in Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall or Wookies (Weird name, I didn't even name it, Horikoshi did.) The Dekusquad decided to hang out and buy some supplies for their school project due this Wednesday.

Uraraka and Asui, chatting about each other's families. Todoroki flexing his father's (stolen) credit card with Iida chopping the air scolding the candy cane's behavior, and our beloved protagonist Izuku Midoriya, fawning over the new Hero merchandise in shops (Typical).

"Oh my god, a new limited edition All Might, night lamp! Of course, even if All Might has retired, he was still known as The Symbol of Peace a-and anditwouldbeabitsadifpeoplestoppedmakingmerchandiseofhimsincehedidsomuchforoursocietyand-"

"Deku-kun! Your muttering again!" laughed Uraraka.

"Midoriya! Please refrain from muttering. It is attracting attention!" Like your not attracting attention, the others thought, referring to his famous air chopping movements.

"Sorry about that... It's just it's been a while since we've gone out. And with All Might retired, I just thought people would start making more Endavore merchandise since he is the new No. 1 Hero now." Midoriya replied.

" No. " Todoroki said, looking grim. (It seems like the idea of seeing tons of his father's merchandise is unsettling.)

They continued to venture through the mall, buying things they needed and want much to Iida's scolding of saving money. Well, whatever, Todoroki was paying for it all, and by him paying, I mean using his dad's credit card. Suddenly they heard a low sob, looking at the alleyway near them, a girl no older than 4 was crying, her black hair faded into white was tied to two ponytails.

Izuku's heart clenched, his heroic side taking control as he starts walking towards her in hopes of comforting the little angel.

"H-Hey, are you okay? Are you lost?" The girl looked up, her teary purple eyes meeting emerald ones. She almost calmed down from how Izuku looked trustful (-And cute). That is until she caught sight of his backpack.

"AHHH! NO! NO!! NO YELLOW!!!" She cried. Fear rushing over her, her hair began to glow, her quirk was activating. Izuku, understanding she was scared, and at his backpack, due to the color? Threw it to his friends and hugged the girl to calm her down, patting her back while doing so. The light flashed brightly for a few seconds, 1..2..3 before it died down.

" What's going on here!?" A mall guard shouted. Behind him, a worried black-haired woman stood.

" My baby!" the woman called -rushing over to the girl in Izuku's arms, taking and embracing her child from the green head.

Izuku smiled at the reunion, giving them a smile before standing up and went over to his friends when his head started spinning and worse at every step he took, The quirk. He looked at his friends. Iida was stating their side to what happened to the guard, Todoroki, by his side. Ochako was walking towards him, Asui not too far behind.

"Deku-kun, are you okay? You look rather pale- " She didn't get to finish her sentence as Izuku collapsed in front of her, startling the people near them.

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