15. Final statement, I will finish this damn thing & make an alternative to it.

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I forgot what I needed to write in this chapter-

It didn't matter if All Might would find him again and make him train more intensely once he did. Izuku needed space. To be alone for a while, so he went to the one place he would be, his Mom's grave, at 3 AM. Usually, he would be afraid of going out at the witching hour, but he couldn't care less about that at the moment.

The wind blew harshly at his scar-littered skin (Injuries from training and bullying), making him pull his sleeves more as a shiver went up to his spine. He should go back. No! Izuku shook his head at the thought. He didn't want to go back. Heck, he never wants to go back, but where would he go? He was only 13! Then 11 with his baby face! Curse his genes.

Izuku roughly scratched his green curls in frustration. Making a few strands of them fall. Ever since he was pronounced quirkless, he was either treated like trash or a punching bag. He preferred neither. Then he met All Might. For a moment, he felt hope to be more than a useless quirkless Deku everyone sees him as, but that hope quickly passed when he denied him of his dream. Then after saving his bully (God, why did he do that?!), the brute approached him yet again, raised his hopes up, only to crush them again.

It would have been better if they just parted ways and never see each other again. But no, for some fucking reason, All Might came looking for him, made a deal with his mother leading to her death. (Like a fucking devil. A deal with the Devil, in exchange for your soul.) Then abducting him (Cause he was just weeping in an abandoned park when All Might came with the police and took him.) Forcing him to train ruthlessly to become OFA's vessel, cause as it turns out. The person who would have it next would have their bodies slowly break due to the power they have to handle before they lose their quirk factor.

It was like water in a glass cup. Every quirked person would have a half-filled glass, and OFA would pour a certain amount of water (power) into that glass. Over the years, OFA became a filled water glass, that if its water was transferred to a half-filled one, it would spill. So him being quirkless, a cup with no single drop of water was perfect transferring OFA with. For once in his life, being quirkless was seen as a good thing for other people, though that can't be said the same to him.

Fucking God. Is there even a god? If so, why did God choose to be so cruel towards him? He helped people, even if it ended up them betraying him. Izuku cared for other people when the one who was hurt was him. He lied, but for what reason? For the sake of his Mom's health! He didn't get revenge no matter how he was tempted to do so. So just why? He's been soo fucking good. Portrayed the innocent child when he soo wanted to rampage and yell.

Izuku bit his tongue. He felt tears threatening to spill as his blood boiled in frustration, anger, and sadness, and he switched to biting his lip to keep them at bay. " So unfair-"

" Oh? Isn't it a bit late for you to be outside, child?" Izuku's head quickly turned a 180, and he faintly felt a crack and slight pain from his neck. In front of him was the same man from the other day. He didn't have his umbrella, but he did have a black fedora to hide his upper face instead. It works surprisingly well too. Izuku wonders if the man can still see through that.

" You must miss your Mom a lot, huh?" The man questioned.

Izuku stayed silent, contemplating whether to answer him or not. He just wanted to be alone, damnit. He went back to facing his Mom's grave as silence engulfed the two. " Hisashi. " He heard the man whisper.

" What? " Izuku muttered, side glancing at the man, who merely smiled at him. " You weren't answering. I figured it was because of the 'Never talk to strangers.' quote. Inko did quite say that often. " The man laughed as if he was reminiscing a good memory. " Pleasure to meet you, Izuku. I am Hisashi. " The man, Hisashi, bent from his 6 feet height and offered his hand for a shake.

Izuku stared at the man. His gut twisted in nervousness at how tiny he was compared to the adult. Why does he keep meeting giants nowadays? Other than having quirks, are people evolving to giants now too?

What would happen if he touches that hand? This guy could have a paralyzing quirk through touch for all he knows, and he would be paralyzed and abducted. Wait... If he gets abducted, he wouldn't see All Might anymore, and better yet, if this guy decides to kill him, it's a hundred percent guaranteed to never see him! Plus, he wouldn't have to live this shitty life anymore (Which he most certainly wants to take, but he's too much a pussy to do so.). And he also wouldn't be forced to take OFA (Which could also kill him, but also has a fifty percent chance of living, so not fully guaranteed.), so it's a win!

With that thought, Izuku took the man's hand with a smile and shook it. " Nice to meet you, Mr. Hisashi. " The older smiled in reply. Hisashi was leaning forward, his left arm behind him, and his right hand still in shook with the younger's, who was slightly lifting himself up. Both stayed in that position in silence.

. . . . . 

Izuku gave it 3- no 5 seconds before he slumped and took his hand back. The disappointment was written all over him that Hisashi couldn't help but laugh. He bent down and laid a bouquet of flowers in Inko's grave and sat down beside the boy. Midoriya almost unnoticedly raised an eyebrow. He didn't notice the man had flowers and... Why was he sitting a bit too close? Please go away. This is very uncomfy. I still don't know who you really are 'Sir Hisashi.' Respect Social Distancing. Especially if there's still a Pandemic... Wait, Pandemic? There's no pandemic right now since the last 200 years -if my memory serves right- in the 2020s, so where'd I get that from?-

" You look a lot like her. " Izuku stopped his muttering and looked at the man quizzically. " Huh?" Hisashi laughed and continued. " You look almost a copy of Inko. It's nostalgic, really... I haven't seen her for years, and when I finally made the time to visit... " His voice, lessening its volume by every word until Izuku couldn't hear his words or the man simply stopped. He couldn't see -Hisashi was looking away, either from guilt as his words portrayed or something else.

Hisashi raised his left wrist to look at his Rolex (Rich-old-ass-immortal-motherfucker) " 3:46 AM..." He muttered and looked back at Izuku, " Shouldn't you be heading home now, Izuku? Your guardian would be worried. " Izuku mockingly snorted. " If he did, it wouldn't be really because of me. " He would just be concerned about his quirk's vessel.

Even so, Izuku stood up, followed by Hisashi, and walked outside the cemetery. " Would you like to have a lift?" Izuku looked back at the man and nodded. Again, it doesn't matter if he gets kidnapped and killed. As long as this pathetic life ends, then it's all fine. Hisashi smiled, pulled out his phone, and called someone.

1 Ring. 2 Rings. Then 3 and the other line answered, " Open up a gate to xxxx xxx xxx. " A faint 'Yes sir' was heard, and a swirling purple and black vortex appeared. " Let's go?" Hisashi asked, holding a hand out to the kid. Izuku stiffened and looked at the hand. He felt mixed emotions, then discarded them and took the hand. Hisashi gently pulled Izuku into the portal with him.

Izuku closed his eyes an inch before his face was from the portal before reopening them. He was at the alley across the street of All Might's mansion gate. Teleportation Quirk? Aren't those like really rare?? He felt a gentle push from behind and looked at Hisashi, smiling down at him. " Go on now, and if you're cornered or stressed, I'll be at Inko's to give a shoulder. Okay?" His voice was uncharacteristically soft for the man's physique but still felt sincere and kind to Izuku. " Mhm..." He softly murmured, nodding at the man.

Hisashi ruffled his hair and nudged him forward again. Izuku stepped out of the alley, looked at both side of the street, and crossed it. He stopped in front of the gate. Izuku glanced back where Hisashi was supposed to be. Only to stare at a deadly pitch-black alley. He frowned and faced the entrance again when it opened, revealing a butler. " Sir Izuku, Master Toshinori has ordered your presence. "


A/N: .... Hi? Rushed chapter. And add a "Maybe" at the end of the chapter name. 

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