Fourth, thanks for taking the time to read this <3

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" Meet, a quirk that allows the person to meet a different version of themself for a month." Read a little hybrid mouse, peeking over the paper and looking at the two different Midoriyas.

A copy file of the girl's quirk from yesterday was in Nezu's paws. Sitting at his desk, facing the other cuffed Midoriya and original Midoriya, Toshinori, and Aizawa, in the background.

" And you mentioned when you got shot -He also got injured?" He pointed at the other Midoriya. " Yes, sir." answered the original.

" Ahh, I see. When you threw this other you up and down at the ceiling, did you feel pain like you were the one being thrown instead of him?" Nezu kept questioning.

"No, si-" He was interrupted by his other him.

" So if something happens to you, I'm affected. But if something happens to me, you're not." He said, looking at the side, legs crossed. His face, not showing any emotion.

" Could you care to tell us what you do in your universe?" Asked Nezu, although he already can guess what this other Midoriya is in the different universe, he still hopes it isn't what he thinks it is. After all, he could have just been panicking from seeing another him and-

" I'm a villain. " -and hoping was useless.

" Aizawa mentioned you knew about his capture tape and their weaknesses... Care to explain? Is it your quirk? A Weakness exploiting one?"

" I don't have one." The room stiffened. This kid beat a pro-hero quirkless. Eraserhead did technically fight quirkless, but his quirk allowed him to turn his opponent quirkless too. Giving him some equal ground.

"You don't... Have a quirk?" the original asked, also shocked that this other him was able to defeat a pro without one. He did write ways in his notebook to win against one, but he always thought they weren't enough to in the end. And he doesn't need to use them anyway since he's on their side.

His other self looked at him, void eyes piercing his soul. " How Hypocritical of you. "

"W-what-" He was interrupted again. " I can see it in your face. You're wondering how could a quirkless reject defeat a pro hero." He paused. " I mean, it isn't that hard to know what you're thinking. After all, we're the same person."

Toshinori interjected at that. " Young Midoriya isn't you-!"

" Oh?." One word was all it took, and the whole room stiffened at the Counterpart's tone. This was so different. Aizawa wonders what could've happened to this Midoriya to be so far from theirs.

The VillainMidoriya stood up, eyes turning blazing red. If he had a flame quirk, All Might would be burning like in hell already. " Isn't me? That could be true, to a degree, or not at all," He paused, looking at Izuku for a moment before continuing. " However, what right do you have to determine that?" He smiled at All Might. " I mean! What was it again?" Putting his finger on his chin. "Hmm... Shall we re-act our encounter again?" He suggested, his smile growing. It was clear he was enjoying this.

Clearing his throat, he relaxed his face, eyes closed before opening them again, showing emerald ones shining. Damn, this kid is good at acting. "All Might... I-!" Izuku stayed seated, shaking as his other self started re-acting one of the worst moments in his life.

" I have no quirk, so I'm constantly made fun of by everybody. Maybe it's not just because I'm quirkless but! " VillainMidoriya lowered his head, looking down. "I don't really know why. I just think saving people is the coolest, most awesome thing ever." Aizawa smiled a little at that. Villain Midoriya looked up, eyes once again gleaming. " I want to know no fear and save people with a smile! I want to be a legendary hero like you! So!" He paused, his eyes going back to the empty and cold ones, his smile taunting. " Can a quirkless become a hero like you?" Aizawa was confused. Quirkless? But Midoriya has a quirk.

"No..." Izuku whispered. His other self looked at him, and his smile grew into a maniac one before looking back at the skeleton man. Whose face was even more shadowed. " Tell me All Might! What did you say to me?" Toshinori was sweating but kept eye contact with the dark greenete. " I said that you can be-" A knife was thrown at him, missing his head but cutting a bit of his wild yellow hair. Aizawa quickly took a stance in front of him.

"We both know that isn't what you said." Poison green eyes shone his arms in a position that showed his early knife throw that he hid discreetly. " I ask again. What. Did. You. Say. To Me?"

The whole room became airless -they couldn't breathe from how much killer aura the boy in front of them released.

" He said that I can!" The Hero Midoriya yelled. He seemed really like a hero right now. " He took back what he-... He said that I can become a hero! A-and and-" He stuttered. "He's personally training me with my quirk-"


Midoriya stopped talking. He turned to face his other self when he was suddenly kicked in the face. "Midoriya!" Aizawa restrained his other-self. Shoving them unto the ground.

Suddenly he started to maniacally laugh. " Your quirk?? Don't make me laugh!" He raised his head to look at the original, " We both know that isn't yours, Izu~." he taunted, resuming to laugh again. Aizawa knocked him out.

" Nezu! Can't we do something about this?! We can't have him be close to Young Midoriya! He'll hurt him! Even if it'll hurt him too!" Yelled All Might, kneeling beside the original Midoriya, who was lost in thought at the moment.

Nezu looked at the file once again. " The quirk connects them by an invisible chain that can only extend to 15 meters. We can't inform the commission about this. They'll send him along with our Midoriya to Tartarus. And it takes a month before the quirk wears off. Would you be alright with your successor staying in there for a whole month Toshinori? Think about how All for One is also there."

The yellow-haired man stayed quiet. No, he was not alright with that, and Nezu was right. Think about All for One, just the other day, the Tartarus staff called saying how he was acting up.

" I was only thinking about this, but it seems like we'll be proceeding. " Nezu said, taking a sip from his tea.

" What are you talking about?" Aizawa asked, standing up from his crouched position, his capture weapon wrapped around firmly around the other Midoriya.

"The Villain Rehabilitation Program."

A/N, okay, so... I'm debating whether to publish this or not. I'm currently just typing to myself right now.

Hiiiiiiii Myselfffff<3 

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