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Alright, so umm... Now, I apologize if this chapter is gonna suck cuz while reading this, I felt like it sucks, but heyyyy! Uhmm... Enjoy??


Izuku looked at his mother's grave, all with tears and glare. He shouldn't cry for this b-...Bi-... Biatch! [ ^ v ^; Ehehe...] Not when she left him with an Asshole! Never bothered to do something when she clearly saw the signs of him getting bullied. I mean, COME ON! Coming home late with multiple bruises and a messy uniform... But Why?! Why is he crying?! He shouldn't!

" I hate you... " Yeah! He hates Inko! So why?! Just why?! Izuku feels more tears spill from his eyes and roughly rubs them off with his sweatshirt, making it even wetter than it already is. Stop! Stop crying! You shouldn't! Not for her! Not after everything she didn't do!

" I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you... I HATE YOU!!" He yelled, repeating it a few more times before falling to his knees. His head hung low with his hands pulling his hair as tears freely flowed down, staining his porcelain skin. Really... He knew he was lying to himself. Izuku didn't hate her -He can't, even if he screams and repeatedly yells just to convince himself that he does... He could never hate her. He doesn't know why...

Or maybe he does? Is it because even after doing nothing, she was still his mother? His mother that at least worked hard and never abused him like everyone else? That he was content with that?.. God, he's such a mess, such a deku, such a useless fucking deku he is. He can't even decide without contradicting how he thinks or feels. God, he's lost.

He's lost...

" Izuku?"

Izuku looked behind him. A man with brown leather shoes wearing a suit held an umbrella above him. Izuku couldn't see their face because of it. " Who are you?"

The man didn't answer, simply raised the umbrella higher, showing his mouth formed in a smile. " Just someone who knew your mother."

... It was awkward, this man, suddenly showing up, calling him by his first name nonetheless, and saying ' Oh jUst sOmEonE wHo kNew youR mOthEr.' He needs more context than that! Stranger Danger. Your starting to creep him out! Izuku swears if this guy does something strange, he'll run faster than Kacchan can get mad at him for no apparent reason.

" Please don't make that face. I'm just trying to be nice here, you know?" What face? Touching his face, he tries to envision himself making a face that said his thoughts. Huh?

He heard the man laugh behind him. He greenete frowned at that and glared. The man stopped, seemingly shock but quickly smiled. What?-

" You look exactly like your uncle. You just need to let your hair grow." He giggled this time. Wait... Uncle??

Before Izuku could ask, he heard an annoying booming voice, " Young Midoirya! I know you are here! Come out!" Ughhh! Izuku let his head fall down. He turned to the man holding the umbrella, but he was gone. The umbrella sat on his shoulder. How did he not notice its weight?

" Young Midoirya!!"

----> -----> ------> -------> --------> --------->

This sucks... Izuku thought -again- letting his head fall, this time hitting the opened book in front of him. He didn't have any relatives besides his mother. And it just so happens that his guardians if his mother died -which she did- was the Bakugos. He imagined how horrible it was going to be living with his bully. But then All Might came and became his ward instead cause of the contract! And it quickly changed his mind that living with the Bakugos would be better, and of course, things never go his way.

Now here he is, an enormous room, inside the mansion of the No. 1 Hero. This was supposed to be fun, right? After living in a small space and having goddamn loud and horrible neighbors, he should be happy he's living in a Mansion, 30 minutes walk away from the bustling city.

Nope! He's not freaking happy. Never mind the luxurious house he will now be living in if he has to live with the very being he hates. LET ME OUT!! He screams in his head, wishing he could really scream it out.

He also doesn't go to school anymore! Which he doesn't know if that's a good thing or not... Sure he wouldn't see Kacchan anymore, but then he has to deal with another mutt. A big one too. How great.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. No point in getting mad and complaining -it won't help him at all anymore. Only cause him more stress, and god, he hates stress, his hair's becoming white! Wait... White!? Izuku thought, abruptly standing up and rushing to the wall mirror. He blinked. Rubbed his eyes and looked at his reflection again. I'm pretty sure I saw myself with white hair... Was it just my imagination??

" Ughh... I should just go to sleep.." Ruffling his fluffy hair, he plopped onto his blue king-sized bed and went to sleep.


" So. How was your day?" Toshinori asked, smiling at the frowning greenete. " You know how it was. You made me do crap." He answered, stabbing his steak roughly, making Toshinori slightly afraid that he'll break the plate it was in. " Now now, be careful, you'll break your pla-"

" I'll go to my room now." Toshinori could only watch him leave and slam the door. He sighed and finished his dinner. Making his way to Izuku's room, he stopped when he heard his phone ring. Nezu...

He tapped the answer button. " Good Evening Toshinori." The chimera greeted. " Good evening, Principal."

" Any progress with Midoriya?" The blonde sighed and leaned on the window, looking at the full moon. " No... " He listened to the silence on the other end for a while. He knew Nezu was silently lecturing him. " I thought so. Perhaps you should go out with him? To an Amusement park, maybe? He is only 12. He would still find them fun."

" Yes! I should do that! Thank you, Nezu!" Toshinori smiled, grateful for the mouse's advice. " Mhm..." Toshinori felt it. Even if they were in a phone call, he felt Nezu become serious. " He is a frighting child, Toshinori... With a bright mind that can pinpoint weaknesses of every quirk and think of such ways to defeat them..." He remembered the Principals face when he first showed Young Izuku's notes that he discreetly took to take a look because the child was always writing them.

" Do your best to make him into a hero and earn his forgiveness... We cannot let him fall into villainy. And being quirkless could also help contain OFA since it is a growing power..."

" I must end the call here now. Good luck, Toshinori."

" Yes, thank you, Principal." Ending the call, he sighed and looked back at the moon, not noticing that the subject of his call was listening to his call the entire time.

You Lying Fucker


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