16. Just changing me chapter title

690 31 13

Writing late despite having school tom-

3 AM. Izuku quietly opened his window. He gave a refreshing intake of breath at the cold breeze of the witching hour. He looked back at the lock-picked locks and smirked. For 6 Months, he's been sneaking in-and-out of his room to the cemetery to meet up with Hisashi-san. Whenever he got caught -which was a few times- Mr. Toshinori ordered to install locks on every possible exit.

Izuku raised his foot on the ledge, ignoring the slight pain in his ankle. He looked at the tree in front of him and readied himself. Jumping at the tree and slightly hissing at the pain in his ankle again. Izuku landed on its branch and quickly went down, jumping from one tree branch to another, landing on all fours like a cat on the ground. He began running to the cemetery, minding his steps, careful not to make much noise through the trimmed grass. Honestly, all this sneaking has made him stealthier, though it was still quite the challenge. (Especially if he was injured, like right now.)


Arriving at the Cemetary, he slowed his pace and began to walk. Catching his breath, he became more aware of the ache in his ankle. Crap... Hopefully, this wouldn't swell tomorrow.

"Izuku?" Whipping his head up again, he saw Hisashi-san walking towards him, his lips seemingly in a worried frown. Izuku, due to seeing only half of his face, had already mastered reading the man's emotions through his mouth and voice. And boy did Hisashi's voice sound worried. Izuku must've shown it in his face that something was wrong.

"What's wrong, my boy? You seem to be limping." Hisashi-san asked again, stopping in front of him and ruffling his uncontrollable hair. Izuku couldn't help but smile. Hisashi-san had begun to look like his father figure for a few months now, more than Mr. Toshinori -who was his guardian and supposedly father figure. "It's nothing. The training was just rough a bit today." Hisashi-san nodded in response.

"Let's sit down, then check the bruises, shall we?" Izuku looked down, nodding slightly. He liked that Hisashi-san cared, but he didn't like how almost every time they met up, Izuku needed fixing. He didn't want to worry Hisashi-san. He didn't want to burden Hisashi-san. He didn't want him to think he was weak, like everyone and All Might said.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a light flick on his forehead. "W-what?" Izuku stuttered, looking up at Hisashi, noticing they were seated on a random bench at the cemetery. When had he taken a seat? Gosh, he's really out of it right now, isn't he? "Your leg Izuku, let me see." Acquiescing, he lifted his left leg slowly, Hisashi-san placing Izuku's leg on his lap. As he lifted his sweatpants to his knee, a purple bruise painfully presenting itself.

Izuku continued looking down as Hisashi-san took out bandages and ointment from the little purple vortex that seemed to appear out of nowhere. It wasn't Hisashi-san's quirk, but the way that it always appeared at the right time without orders made it seem like it was. Fooling everyone who saw, including Izuku, at first until Hisashi-san said so himself that it was another person's quirk.

"Was your this your "guardian's" doing again?" Hisashipsan asked, applying the ointment gently at the bruise. "Yeah..." Izuku softly replied, "You can always come live with me if you want." Izuku looked up, shocked at Hisashi-san at the offer. "I-i.." He stuttered, taking a deep breath to calm himself first. Izuku continued.

"Are you sure?... I don't want to intrude or anything! And that may cause tons of problems..." Izuku said, looking down. If he went with Hisashi-san, Mr. Toshinori would just issue a search party, and if they find out that Hisashi-san took him, he might go to jail just because. And knowing Mr. Toshinori and his obsession with keeping OFA alive -that will surely put Hisashi-san in prison for 'stealing' his vessel.

"Cause tons of problems? My boy, this situation of yours, getting bruises inflicted by your 'caretaker' is tons of problems already..." Hisashi-san said, gently ruffling Izuku by the hair. Izuku couldn't respond. Hisashi-san only knew that his caretaker was some wealthy man named Toshinori Yagi, not All Might -the Number 1 Hero and Pillar of Peace.

Even if I want to go with Hisashi-san, I'll only cause problems... Izuku's mind faltered to Inko, how his mother had to live in constant problems because of his existence. "It's fine, Hisashi-san..." Yeah... Even if I'm being mistreated. It's alright! Because "I still have you that cares for me."


Did I just say that out loud?

"I-i mean! Because! You're here! Ah! No! I-! What I mean is! Uhm Is-! That-!" Izuku was cut off with Hisashi-san's laugh. When the man was done, he smiled. Making Izuku speechless. "Yes, you're right." Izuku couldn't help but feel tears getting ready to spill. "And I'll always be here, Izuku." And there it was. The tears. 


Hisashi watched Izuku turn back once again and wave goodbye before sneaking back to the enormous mansion. And once the boy did, a purple vortex appeared beside him. Wasting no time, he entered it. He was greeted by silence and darkness. Well, it has always been that way for a few years now, no matter where he went. Sighing as he sat back down, he soon relaxed into the comfort of the luxurious chair. "Master, it's time to install them again." A voice echoed, along with light footsteps and the sound of something getting dragged.

Hisashi simply nodded in acknowledgment, letting the figure do their job. And after it was done, he took a deep breath. His lungs were relieved at getting the right amount of air this time instead of feeling a little restrained. "Master." Another voice echoed. "Do you really care for that child?"

Hisashi didn't respond, and it took a while before he did. "He is my own flesh and blood. However, yes, I wouldn't care less if he got injured or died." He stopped, letting the other sink the information in their mind before continuing. "But he is a valuable chess piece, and I would be a fool if I don't use that piece." The other didn't talk. Hisashi knew they were pretty dissapointed in him but knew they could not do much against him.

It should have been clear that he didn't care. 

After all, he was the one who caused Inko's death in that tragic airplane crash.

AN: Ok, first of all, Sorry for not updating as much as I used to. It should be every week, but this chapter took me a month. So I'm sorry for that.

On another note, thank you for 1K reads! I didn't think we would reach this much, but here we are! Anyway, stay safe and have a good day/night, everyone! 

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