Chapter 1 - Glittering snow

Start from the beginning

I immediately calm down, he's always had that effect on me, that's probably why my mother likes him so much. And I'm not going to lie, I guess I've always liked him too. For a while I even thought he would be my mate... but that was back when I was naive.

We look at each other smiling for a few moments before my mother breaks the silence. "You know what, you can come home later, I'll just go ahead."

I turn my head and give her a half-smile and then she turns around and walks away leaving me and Aaron behind.

I turn back to Aaron and remove my hood now feeling more comfortable in my skin.

"Scary story isn't it?" He asks and gestures for me to walk besides him with a quick nod of his head, I quickly follow suit and we start slowly moving through the village.

"Yes." Is all I say.

He gives me a sideways glance and a smirk, "but it is just a story."

I frown puzzled by his words. "What do you mean?"

He stops in his tracks and I do as well following his move and he shrugs in an unbothered manner, "I just don't believe that story."

As one of his hands grabs onto a lock of my white hair I stand completely still. Aaron looks deep in thought as he examines the hair. I should move away, I think, but I just stand there looking at him dumbfounded.

He lets go after a few seconds. My eyes follow as he looks at his fingers in complete silence, his lips slowly form a smile and he finally looks at me again.

"I'll see you later." He says whilst walking away with a subtle smile.

"See you later." I reply quietly watching his retreating form.


I am running...

In the end of the forest where no sane wolf would go. It's so beautiful, yet so dangerous.

It's no one's territory, therefore it's super dangerous as there aren't any laws here. Any wolf could kill me, and they wouldn't be breaking any law whatsoever, but it isn't me that should be scared...

Their bite is deadly... my legs begin to hurt.

The last white wolf was killed... My lungs are burning.

He kept its head as a trophy... My eyes are coal black.

I begin to slow down as my anger starts leaving my body. I stop running completely when I see the little lake in between the snow covered trees. The lake looks magical in the middle of the white forest, it's green color stands out and looks almost a little too inviting.

I know this forest, I've been here a thousand times. It's the only place I can let my wolf be free without fear.

I place my red dress that I had been carrying in my mouth next to the lake. I scan the dress for any rips that my teeth might have caused while I carried it, luckily I only find a few.

I look down at the reflection in the water of the lake. Completely white fur, black eyes and pointy ears are reflected in the lake. I am looking at my wolf. Right now it would be easy for anyone to see who the white wolf is. That's why I'm running in the dangerous forest, the chance of meeting someone here is very small, and even if I did I'd be able to outrun them and my presence would be nothing but a hallucination. You would have to be an idiot, or a very powerful wolf to come here.

I dip my head down and drink a bit of water to ease the burning in my throat. It's strange that the water hasn't frozen completely with all this snow around. Again... a magical lake.

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