Part XXIII: Blake Lied

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They would hear none of it, though. Cash would always find its way into her pockets or her wallet, and now that they used Venmo, there was no chance of her refusing.

Blake handed her grandma the groceries, letting out a deep breath once the weight was off her arms. When her grandma just set the groceries on the counter instead of starting to put them away, though, Blake frowned.


Her grandma gave her a tight smile, and gestured to the kitchen table, were her grandpa sat.

He smiled at her and put his book down...

Next to a leather folder? What's that for?

"We wanted to let you get through Christmas and the jet lag before doing this, Blake," her grandma said, "But we do need to take care of this sooner or later."

Blake frowned, about to ask what this was about. Then she glanced at the folder again and noticed the little insignia on it.


"I know you two had your differences, and you've said don't really want anything to do with her," her grandpa said, "But you need to read her will, Blake."


"Alright, man, what's going on?"

Liam took a deep breath, looking down at his burger.

He and Kekoa had both eaten about half their meal in silence after getting into the car, but it had finally stretched long enough.

"It's about Blake," Liam said, looking to his brother.

Kekoa raised an eyebrow, "She not as alright as you thought?"

Liam shook his head, "Not that."

Though he figured she wasn't. The only time he'd heard Blake that shaken up was the first time he'd gone to class with her and she'd been afraid of Andy recognizing her--which she'd later explained wouldn't normally have been that bad, if she hadn't been dealing with the fact that he, her roommate's boyfriend at the time, had recognized her; despite the other feelings she'd had for him, it had apparently still freaked her out a bit--and then when that guy had tried to confront her on the street, and she and him had gotten into a fight afterward.

The fuck must have happened between her and her ex?


Liam blinked, then shook his head, taking a deep breath before meeting his brother's gaze again, "Sorry, got in my own head a bit."

Kekoa grinned, "It happens. But seriously, what's up? You're the one that wanted to talk."

Liam nodded. He tried to say what he needed, but hesitated.

It was just for a moment, but he did hesitate.

Liam trusted Kekoa more than anyone, and Blake had given him permission, but this was still Blake's secret, not his.

But it's Kekoa.

Liam trusted his brother more than anyone in the world. Even Blake.

Just telling him this when he hasn't even seen her yet is kind of weird, though.

Taking another deep breath, Liam decided to try a tactic, and pulled out his phone.

He brought up a silly selfie he'd taken with Blake, and seeing her goofy smile made him relax just a bit.

Meeting his brother's gaze again, he held the phone out to Kekoa.

"This is Blake."

Kekoa blinked, arching an eyebrow at him for a moment, then took the phone, peering at it.

He grinned at Liam over it a moment later, "Wow, she's really cute, dude. And looks like she's a dork just like you."

Liam grinned, "She is."

Kekoa looked at the phone again, then cocked his head, "She looks a little familiar, too. I'm assuming she's not from here, otherwise you would've gone to see her. Does she look like someone you went to school with or something?"

Liam sighed, shaking his head, "I don't think that's where you know her from."

Kekoa frowned, "Know her? What do you mean?"

"Think about Reddit," Liam said, "And maybe picture her with red hair."

Kekoa frowned for a moment, studying the phone.

Then his eyes widened, and he looked back to Liam.


A/N: How do you think this conversation is going to go? Will Kekoa be judgmental? Or will Liam's trust in his brother be well-placed? (Also, You dudes get 3 chapters this week, since they're short and I realize I owed you one from last week. I hope you enjoy them!

Don't forget, you can also read ahead on my Patreon! (

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