Letters to SoulMates - 37

Start from the beginning

She shoved the murderous brutes aside and let out a gasp.

More tears streamed down her cheeks as she saw a familiar werewolf laying limp, in a pool of blood.

"Enid!" her voice sobbed out as she collapsed to the ground.

The pink and blue colored ends of the fur had to be hers... and her blue eyes-

Oh god, Enid's magnificent blue eyes were open and dull.

Her eyes were filled with nothing but death.

"Enid!" Wednesday sobbed again as she lifted up her head into her lap, "No, no, no, Mi Sol-" she gently caressed the werewolf girl's jaw.

It was covered in slashes that were marked with silver, Wednesday couldn't bear to look at her body which was covered in arrows marked with silver.

Her blood was boiling and being fueled with rage as she stared up at the hunters who all cheered for the death of the Sinclairs.

No... her family? Her family too?!

Wednesday suddenly felt the weight in her lap lighter, she looked down and realized Enid had turned back to her human form... and Wednesday wept loudly.

Her innocent and flawless body ruined... ruined by delusional minds of people who "hunt" to protect.

Her mouth hung open with blood leaking out the corners.

Her diamond-blue eyes still remained the same... dull and lifeless... only now they were crying as if she cried before her death.

Wednesday sobbed her love's name as tears fell onto her lifeless body.

Her hand trembled as she stroked Enid's colored locks, stained with bloodshed of her own.

She cradled Enid's head close to her with one hand, while the other reached for her concealed knife.

She was going to kill everyone standing in this house... they all did this to the Sinclairs.

Wednesday was going to make them pay for what they did.

She gripped the knife so tight she had to loosen up before destroyed the handle, and then she stared forward and lunged-

But suddenly Wednesday lunged forward onto a bunch of sheets.

Sheets of cotton.


They were bedsheets.

All in black, but outlined by bone-white.

The entire room was black.

Wednesday finally breathed when she realized where she was.

She was in bed.

She was in her bed.

She was in her own bed at home... back in New Jersey... in the Addams Manor.

Wednesday sat back against the bed frame, hitting her head hard against the wood.

The goth let out a shaky sigh as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

Wednesday gritted her teeth and wiped the tear away, "Why?" she muttered to herself.

Why did she have such a terrible nightmare? This was not her usual terrible nightmares... it was an unbelievably sadistic event.

Curses, Wednesday didn't realize it until now that she had ripped one of her own pillows to shreds.

It bore resemblance to something Enid did when they first met.

Her head snapped around, searching for it until she finally found it.

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