I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5

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The twigs on the ground snapped and the distinct leaves crunched along with the grass being pressed under the two pairs of boots.

Well, actually... one pair and the other bare.

The goth figured she would need only one pair of shoes the entire trip, but when did she ever consider picking up someone on the way?

Still, she would need to pick up another pair for this girl on the way to her destination, otherwise walking would end up blistering and bloodying up her feet, although it would be a nice sight to see... Wednesday knew the blonde would give up by the first sprained ankle and only complain 24/7.

And so, they walked on through the forest at a steady pace, Enid was still using the walking stick but she was getting more used to being on her regular feet again.

A flat face over Wednesday's face as she just walked straight, her dark eyes maybe wandering to the side at a distant animal or so.

Enid's eyes however were looking everywhere, admiring the colors of nature and its beauty, perhaps one too many glances at the one in black however.

Her cotton-candy blonde hair- with few patches of dried blood- bounced above her shoulders like actual cotton candy...

Wait, does cotton candy bounce?

No, it was more simply cloudy, the way it moved.

But who would be looking at her hair besides Enid herself?

The two had walked a decent hour or so and the sun was much more above the horizon behind the trees and hills, giving a nice blue sky with a few clouds along with it.

There was silence between the two, because Enid was busy going "w-woah! My toes are moving weird!" and "guuurrgh balance yourself, girl!" trying to balance herself as she attempted using the walking stick less and less.

And people call me freaky, Wednesday rolled her eyes at the 50th time the bimbo said her feet were not straight. The goth's head turned toward a direction when she heard in the distance a stream. She slightly adjusted their path and went off to the side where the waters were.

"My feet are not straight! It's like my whole body's not straight! Gosh darn it!" Enid panted and leaned against a tree trunk, taking a break.

Wednesday just kept walking.

"H-hey! Wed- Addams! Ya leaving someone behind... m-my legs are tired," the blonde called out between soft pants.

"You will meet me at the bank of the river then," was all Wednesday had replied.

Enid's face deadpanned, "Really?"

She just shook her head and went back to struggling walking again, "Seriously, what the heck? My walking's been getting better in the last few minutes but now they just stopped working?"

Enid looked down at her legs, rubbing them to numb our the soreness, "I can't believe-"

"Oh no, it seems like I have to wait."

Enid looked up and just saw black and white and a dark thousand-yard stare, making her let out a yelp, "YEEP!" and jumped an impressive height backward, the goth was suddenly right up in her face.

The blonde also managed to keep herself standing after the scare, "What- what the heck was that for?!"

Wednesday just stared back like nothing happened, "Judging by your choice of words of "but not they just stopped..." that implies your legs are broken and I get to do surgery."

our weird friendship anomaly (Wenclair)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon