Bury Me in My Blood - 27

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Wednesday set the pieces of wood against each other, surrounded by larger logs and some rocks. Within seconds, she had a fire starting.

There was a tiny breeze blowing through the forest.

The girls have continued their journey after more than a solid three weeks, it's been a single night since they had left the town.

So tonight was the full moon.

They were at a good distance away from any civilizations.

Although they were in the town for only about three weeks, and it being nowhere near home... both of the girls would cherish that small city as a memory to their heart. It being the place where they confessed and had pretty much several dates together.

But it was time to return back to their original journey.

Uncle Fester was still about a two weeks away with the girls' usual routine of walking and staying at a village, it didn't bother them that much.

Wednesday secured the woods with her special applicant. Judging from the heavy clouds impending and their behavior, there would be a rainstorm soon.

A werewolf shift in the rain, How romantic, Wednesday rolled her eyes at her own heart beating to such an occasion.

She finished touching up the wood and stepped away as it grew to a sizable amount, radiating its warmth to the pair and light around.

Wednesday sat against the tree and looked over to the side where Enid stood tall.

The cotton-candy blonde stood on the opposite side of Wednesday and the fire, staring off at the sun setting in the horizon hidden by hills and trees.

The sun was barely visible, only its rays painting the sky could tell it was not night just yet.

And... Enid looked like she was staring hard.

She seemed to be having a deep moment of thought.

Asides from admiring the beautiful face and scars of Enid... she noticed how her eyes were closed nearly firmly.

"Enid?" she called out quietly.


"Are you okay?"

There was a long silence, not even any wind picked up nor any animal noises.

Strange... it was nearly spring, surely the animals would start coming out for the increasingly warmer weather.

"Yes," Enid finally answered, but her reply sounded a bit off.

Wednesday's eyes scanned the sky, determining where the full moon would show itself. Judging from their location and time of the year, it would be low and just barely viewable from the low ground.

"Are you worried about transforming?"

This time, it was a short silence before Enid answered, "I'm not sure."

"Enid," Wednesday's voice went softer. The blonde finally turned around and opened her eyes, looking back at the goth. Wednesday looked back at her with slight sympathy in her eyes, she understood the feelings that Enid was going through, "It's okay, Mi Sol... it's always going to be okay."

"I'm never going to leave you, Enid, remember that?"

Enid stared a few moments and finally a smile appeared. A small smile curved her lips, "Yeah. That's right," she chuckled softly, "and I you."

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