Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20

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It was a calm relaxation in the river. Despite it being chilly and half frozen over- and also a few minutes for Enid to get used to- it was a quiet and relaxing time.

The two bathed in silence, Wednesday kept an eye out for the forest line at all times, she refused to let Enid focus her wolf senses.

Every time Wednesday's eyes panned around near Enid, Enid would always smile so big and bright.

All the blood had washed out into the river, Wednesday was able to clean out the stains and patches from their belongings as well.

There was a moment however as Wednesday washed Enid's bloody shirt, her hands couldn't stop shaking as she held her pierced sweater. She stared at the arrow hole in the sweater and tensed up.

Her hands stopped shaking when Enid came over and touched her gently, reassuring without words that she's fine.

Wednesday took the message and was able to push through.

Soon, the two girls were out of the water and sitting by the bank. They sat in the bright orange light of the dusk sun, the color radiating on their faces. Enid admired Wednesday from the side. She was sewing back up her sweater that was shot... the colorful pink and yellow stripes didn't bother the goth.

Shortly after, Wednesday handed over the now-fixed sweater and started fixing her own torn sleeve. Somehow she managed to dry it completely before starting her sewing.

But before Enid pulled the sweater over her head, she examined the little delicate material that Wednesday had fixed. The wool-sewn patch seemed much more smoother and softer, yet also more stronger. She looked over at Wednesday with softened eyes, contemplating her acts of kindness.

They have come a long way over the past few months. This Wednesday Addams was different from the one she first met for sure... she still has a sort of cold exterior but that's part of her charm and that's what made her Wednesday.

"Yes, Enid?" the ravenette glanced over, still in the process of fixing her sleeve.

"Oh, n-nothing, just... nothing," the blonde stammered.

Wednesday didn't say anything back and just continued her own thing, and Enid continued to admire the Addams girl. Her gaze fixed on her braids, she's only ever seen them down that one time. Her gaze then shifted to her face, seeing the dark and mysterious eyes, her smooth nose and cheeks, and her soft lips.

"I can feel you staring," Wednesday spoke up.

"O-oh, sorry, yeah," Enid chuckled nervously, but remained staring.

"Enid, you don't need to apolog-"

"Yeah, I know... I just like... looking at you," the blonde sighed softly.

Wednesday's hands stopped moving for a second, she felt something in her chest but shrugged it off, and finished up with her sleeve, "Very well."

Soon, they pair had set off away from the setting sun and through the forest.

Judging from the river paths and lakes they passed and went through, the map showed a village was nearby. They would reach it within one hour of night.

Wednesday knew the risks fully now of being around people... but for Enid's sake, she needed proper rest and a bed to rest for her wound. The wound was healing quickly, but not within a second-quick... she still needed some rest to help it heal.

our weird friendship anomaly (Wenclair)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें